Thursday, March 6, 2008

29 Weeks

I love Thursdays! I get an ultrasound, mark off another week down and I got to see my family! Today Babe looked good again on the ultrasound. She is measuring 2.5 pounds. There is still no fluid, but she must be making something because her bladder changes sizes.
People must be praying for her heartrate to improve because the last couple of days she has shown more variables and accelerations. In fact, my nurse the other night gave me the gold star because she looked so good! Something to add to the baby book. :)
I was encouraged today from a friend who told me about a song from Caedman's Call, Sacred. It reminded me that my time as a mom is a sacred time and that's where I should be content. It was then that God seemed to remind me that this time with Babe is sacred, and I should be content here, too. I needed that little boost of encouragement...25 days still seems like a long time to me.
I continue to me amazed by the love from brothers and sisters in Christ. I have had visitors that I don't know really well and some whom I have never met before, and yet with the connection of Christ, it's always a wonderful visit and a blessing to my soul. I had a gal come up today that I had not met before, and we had a great time. She even snuck in her puppy to entertain me. That's a first! I know there are others who are praying for me that I have never met, and the thought is overwhelming. I am blessed by it and hope to encourage others like I have been encouraged. May God bless you all!


WifeandMom said...

Hi Pam-
I just posted on my blog and thought I'd check yours before turning in for the night. Glad to hear such great news today! Each day brings you closer to the end of this ride. It sounds like you have been encouraged by today's events. That is a blessing for sure.

Reba said...

So glad that you had another milestone Thursday! Let's keep those up for another month or so...I am glad Babe is gaining weight and that the fluid is not an issue. And I am thrilled that you are having so many visitors and just opportunities for encouragement...may God continue to bless you at this sacred time. :)

Anonymous said...

hello!!! So great to hear the good news about you and babe!!! I continue to be so in awe of our awesome Lord!!! With the due date set and the mini van shopping and the Lord watching over all you will be movin' on in a flash!!! We continue to pray for babe to stay put and health physically and spiritually for you and happy hearts for the rest of your family!!! may the Lord bless you this day-may you feel His presence in a new and powerful way today-may you continue to share with others the hope you have!!! God keep you in Jesus name amen georgiana

Amber Zimmerman said...

Oh my goodness Pam - I just saw that you stopped by my blog too! I am so glad to hear things are improving with baby girl! We are keeping you in the forefronts of our minds with our prayers. Glad to see you have a due date now too - It's always nice to have a goal to shoot for. ;) May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you! Much love,