Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Out of my Comfort Zone

Thursday was a day where I put myself out of my comfort zone. I am going to be vulnerable here, so you've been warned. And some may just roll their eyes at me...regardless, I was out of my cozy little world.
Brandon's boss had invited me and another lady (a good friend of mine!) to join him for a business breakfast where there would be a speaker and then round table discussion. The discussion was on "The First Five Years" an early childhood push for kids to age five. His boss chose us because he thought we were "experts" on this topic. And honestly, since I haven't taught for many years, I don't feel like an expert. So I went as a mom and not an educator.
So, I didn't feel like I could say no because it's my husband's boss! Yet everything in me didn't want to go. I don't feel comfortable around business people (I'm just a "stay at home mom.") and I don't like large group sharing times (or round table discussion). I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself. So when you take a discussion with business men, now you know why I wasn't excited to go. Brandon supported and encouraged me in going (he had to do the morning routine and delivery for girls), and my good friend went, too, and I know she is like minded with me. Add some prayers, and I didn't even get nervous!
It went just fine. I saw some church men that I know and some other people, too. The looks on their faces were priceless...they don't usually see me hanging out with elite business men. The speaker spoke on the role of training children in the first five years and the effects that will have on businesses/economy. After he spoke, there was a time of asking questions. That took so long, there was no time for round table discusion. :)
Here are some things I learned or was reminded of:
1. Those men in the room had the same questions I did. They just verbally asked them. It was a boost of confidence for me.
2. My heart was saddened several times by comments from both men and women.
3. It was good for me to get out of Christian bubble and be reminded what the world's views are like.
4. I had opinions on the matter...and I don't think I would have been afraid to share them if we had had time for discussion.
5. I might be a "stay at home mom" but I have a brain, and I am contributing to society. Being at home with my children does not make me less worthy or influential on those around me who have bigger incomes and more prestige in the community.
6. I view my Lord as my savior and not the state. (This Truth Project lesson came at the Lord's perfect timing. If you've done the study, you will know what I am talking about. If you haven't done the study, I highly encourage you to do so!)
 I won't share my opinions on my blog. I will say this - if I am invited back to the next meeting, I have made a commitment with my friend that I will go. I feel like God has opened the door for this opportunity. Oh, and Brandon still has his job. :)


seth + justine said...

pam, i am so proud! just so you know, i completely admire that you stay at home with your girls. my mom did + i am looking forward to the day that i get to! never consider yourself less.. + when you do, just read the research that shows the outcome of stay at home mommies! :D
thanks for sharing + best wishes on the next open door!!

Reba said...

Good for you! I understand it being out of your comfort zone but I also know you have a LOT to offer!