Monday, April 18, 2011

Another Year Older

Two weeks ago my main man celebrated another birthday. Yes, two weeks ago.
Let me see...what did we do?

That weekend I was at church Friday night and Sat. morning for a women's simulcast with Priscilla Shirer. It was a good, refreshing time where I felt God begin a new journey with me. Brandon was the awesome dad at home taking care of the girls. We were going to celebrate with family on Sat. evening, but we ended up postponing it for a couple of reasons. 1. Nephew A. had strep. 2. Brandon had been battling a cold all week and couldn't taste anything. I honestly didn't want to make him a special birthday meal and him not taste it. :)
Instead we had a nice, low key evening at home. We had him open one of his gifts: a new spring shirt and tie. He caught the hint and wore it to church the next morning.

He he is looking good in his new attire and surrounded by pretty ladies.

We went over to his folk's house after church to prepare his lunch of choice: lemon chicken, homemade fried rice, strawberry pretzel salad, and homemade bread. It became a team event getting it all done! Thanks for the help ladies!
He opened rest of his gifts and got more cameo gear and some other things he wanted.
And here he is with his triple chocolate cheesecake I made. It was chocolaty and good!
After we left his parent's house that afternoon, he admitted to feeling terrible. He took himself in to the doctor and was diagnosed with pneumonia! Poor guy! He pushed through his entire party with such a good attitude. The doctor was surprised he could even walk in and gave him several meds. Thankfully he started feeling better by that evening. He wasn't quite as wheezy, so that was nice.
He stayed home from work the next day and got several small, quiet projects done around the house. It was great having him home! I even got to by groceries by myself.
Tuesday evening we surprised him with a "birthday do-over." I felt bad he didn't feel well on his birthday (though he was able to taste his food. :)) so his mom joined us for a biscuits and gravy dinner. He enjoyed this meal, too, and we were all thankful he was feeling better!

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That triple chocolate cheesecake looks awesome! I am thinking you need to blog about that alone & share the recipe! :)