Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This Past Week

I seriously should be doing things around the house. However, I need to get this post out of my head before I can move on.
We had a busy but good week last week. Monday after school was dentist day. This was Maisie's first time to go, and Analise kept telling her how much fun it was. I hired a 13 year girl to hang out with the girls in the waiting room while I got my teeth cleaned. It worked well. Analise got her teeth cleaned by our friend, K. We got the dreaded news...two cavities. She has them between her teeth. At least it's not from eating too much sweets, or I'd be feeling kind of guilty. Maisie did a nice job. She didn't really like leaning back in the chair, so she propped herself up on her elbows some. She also stood for some of the exam. :) She had someone she didn't know, and I think she was expecting, K, as well. Analise walked out of the room and said, "That was fun!" I don't think I have ever left the dentist announcing that. Let's see what she thinks next month when she has to go back. :) We left there quickly, ran home and Analise hopped in the car with Brandon to head to music.
The other two and I ate dinner. As soon as Brandon and Analise were home, I left to go to a PTO meeting. I have had the desire to attend more meetings this year, but it just hasn't worked well. I was glad I went, but at the same time I kept thinking about other things I could have been doing instead.
Tuesday night was a treat for me. Brandon had arranged an hour massage for me. Woo hoo! He got home a little later than usual, so I left right after he got home. Night two of no dinner together. The massage was great. That hour just goes way too quickly. I am so relaxed when it's over, I can hardly keep my eyes open. Now if that wasn't good enough, I got home a little after 7:00, and all three girls were bathed! What a man. :)
Weds. over lunch I had a meeting at church. Brandon feeds the girls lunch at home and then brings them to the meeting so I can lead without interruptions for some of it. :) That night Brandon got home late again from work, so as soon as he was home, I left. My sis in law picked me up so we could go to a Pampered Chef party. It had been quite awhile since I had been to one, and I actually needed a few things.(I always think of dear Rachel when I go to a PC party. She used to sell it. I remember at one of the parties, I won the little "tester" to check baked items. I still have it. A few months ago I thought I had lost it, and I was so sad. Thankfully it showed back up! K, that memory was for you, too. It was at your party!) We had fun together. But again, another night without a family dinner. This is definitely something I don't want to make a habit of.
Thursday morning I got together with friends and their kiddos. Good times. I also enjoyed my 30 minutes at school. I love walking into the room and hearing the kids tell me hi, and knowing I am helping out. Thursday night we actually ate dinner together. Yeah!
Friday evening we had pizza with the local family. Brandon got there late, but we all had fun. The girls got to bed too late...
This weekend we hung out at home and got some things accomplished. It was so nice having Brandon home! I finished my "switch out the clothes" project that I had started a few weeks ago. We ran errands later in the afternoon, and the girls played on the equipment at Menard's...where it was dry. :) Chicken fajitas for dinner to finish the night well.
Sunday we enjoyed church and then attend a pancake brunch at church to help friends raise money for adoption. It was great! Cousin A came home with us after church, so we all enjoyed having him around. That afternoon Brandon spent a lot of time working in the yard. I had envisioned a nice day to help him, but it was way too windy for my liking. Sorry, dear! Something exciting that he discovered when working in the yard...we have cardinal eggs in a nest in our front bushes! Cardinals are one of my favorite birds. We've seen them, heard them, and now we have a nest. I think one of the reasons they are dear to my heart is because they remind me of my Grandpa H. He loved to sing, and he loved the cardinal because of the cardinal's song. They even had an RV that had "Songbird" written on it. Grandpa, you may be in Heaven, but I think of you when I hear those cardinals!
We then rounded up the girls to go the church congregational meeting. I am glad we took the time to go.
Sunday evening we got the girls to bed at a decent time, and then we looked at each other wondering where the weekend went. They do go by quickly!
A couple of random things I want to remember about this stage of life:
1. Maisie calls strawberry: strawberryerry.
2. Analise sees FedEx trucks and says, "Fed E Ex."
3. There is the rare meal time where we don't hear silverware hitting the tile floor.
4. Maisie LOVES to swing!
5. I think I hear "no" from the girls more often then I tell them no.
6. Analise is known for leaving two swallows of drink in her cup. I'm always asking her to come back and finish.
7. Maisie loves listening to her Bob and Larry 70s cd.
8. I wish I had a lock on my bathroom door.
9. Sadie calls anyone with a beard "Jesus."
10. My heart is still a little saddened when I see Analise walk into school each day. Wasn't she just my baby?

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