We've had a busy week. Weds was a day where we were on the run from the word "go." Analise had a late start, so we did get to sleep in, which was nice. We took her to school at 10, and went straight to the doc for Sadie's follow up weight check. She weighed in at 22-12 lbs. Believe it or not this actually put her on the weight chart! Woo hoo...no more checks until September! Everything else looked and sounded good, so we are thankful. We then went directly to Kindermusik. Maisie has lots of fun at class! Home for a quick lunch, laid them down for naps at 1:00, and then I had a meeting at church from 1:15-2:30. Thank you to K, for watching the girls so I could go! I got home in time to get the girls up to pick up Analise from school. Weds. was also our last night of Awana. That's for another post.
Look at that smile! Like her nice bruise in the middle of her head? That would be from the swingset post.
"The Song" at our house these days is "Our God" by Chris Tomlin. If you haven't heard it, check it out. We LOVE it! What makes it more special is hearing the girls sing along, "Our God is greater, our God is stronger. God you are higher than any other ....Our God is healer, awesome in power, Our God..." Sweet times.
A couple of funnies and then I need to get amovin'.
The other night at bed, Maisie announced, "I miss God." So we talked about how God is everywhere, all the time. Such a hard concept for a three year old, who wants to see Him. Analise pipes up from the top bunk, "Maisie, Jesus lives in my heart, so He goes everywhere I go." Good theology from the 6 y.o.
Analise got in the van after school and announced, "Mom, I went to the bathroom at school today!" That may be the second time all year. She just doesn't have to go while at school. She doesn't get her bladder from me!
Analise, "Mom, Maisie has a potato head earring in her mouth. She's pretending it's a turkey call, and it doesn't even make sound." How many mom's hear that from their girls? I told Maisie I liked her imagination, but not to stick at in that in her mouth. Can you tell it's turkey season around here?
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