Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is in the Air

The birds are chirping, we've had some rain, and I am seeing grass that I haven't seen since October. Spring is in the air. This last week the weather was in the upper 40s and on Thursday, we got into the 50s. Those temps call for an afternoon walk. "Stroll" might be a more accurate term. I take all the girls and we all walk. Sadie thinks she is big stuff and gets very frustrated with me for holding her hand or picking her up when we cross a street. We walked down the street through a church parking lot and down a cultasac and back. Not one of the girls complained about being tired. We took our time to enjoy the sounds of birds, touching pine needles, watching planes and geese fly over. Maisie walked through every puddle, while Analise avoided them. Sadie would announce, "Birdie, Birdie!" But it came out sounding like "boobie." :) It was great.
We had a good and low-key weekend. There was no school on Friday, so went over to a friend's house to play. Analise joined us after her donut date. Fun times! Friday afternoon Analise went to play with her cousin, A. At that point I realized it would be a good time to get groceries. It was the battle within...go now with two girls or Saturday afternoon by myself. I was feeling adventurous, so I opted for that afternoon. It helped that I didn't have to bundle them up. Light jackets only. :) The girls did well. I spoil them (even Sadie) with a sucker. Once that is gone, we get some free popcorn chicken to munch on. We left in such a rush that my kitchen wasn't in the cleanest shape, and I knew it would take awhile to get groceries put away. I had had two huge, inch think rib eyes marinating all day, and I was going to make homemade mashed potatoes to go with them. However, when we left the store at 5:00, I knew if I wanted to get everything done and eat at a decent time, I would be crabby mommy. So I called Brandon and asked him if we could do pizza tonight instead of tomorrow. He knows what's good for him and the girls. He grabbed Pizza Hut on the way home. After dinner we took the girls to a farm store in town to play with their little chicks they always have this time of year. Simple, free, and the girls loved it. It was a winner! We had the girls in bed by 8:00, and I crashed on the couch.
Saturday morning Brandon worked again, so the girls and I had our typical slow and lazy morning. I took down all my winter decorations and brought out the Easter things. Maisie started running a fever, so she took an early nap. Brandon grilled those rib eyes for dinner, and they were amazing! Even Sadie enjoyed them! After the girls were in bed, I ran to get a movie. Due to technical difficulties, we couldn't start it until 10:00, which was too late for us. Instead, we watched a couple of "Red and Green." We both laughed so hard.
Sunday I took just Analise to church. She decided to join me instead of going to Sunday school. It was such a delight having her there. She saw her uncle play the drums, which she just loved. She sang the songs she knew, and she even took her own version of notes! It was communion Sunday, and even though she is a believer in Christ, I let the elements pass her by. I wanted her to understand the meaning. Last night at bedtime, Brandon read from her Bible the story of the Last Supper.
After naps Maisie seemed to be doing better. We all made a quick trip to Target. We walked into the house and Maisie literally lost her lunch in the hall. So sad and yet so thankful we were at home on hard wood floors! She camped on the couch and watched movies. Her temp climbed to 102. We've learned with our girls that 101 or below, they act pretty normal. Anything above 101, they are lethargic. I gave Maisie some Tylenol, it brought it down to 101 and she was more chipper again. She only had the one episode of throwing up, and we are SO thankful! It's not a good time to be getting sick...
Brandon grilled again last night. We had rotisserie chicken - another fave. I now have 8 cups of cooked chicken in my freezer to use in casseroles. And like that, the weekend was over.

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