Wednesday, February 3, 2010

January Highlights

The girls in their Minnie Mouse head band

Here is our month in a nutshell:
January flew right by, and I'm not complaining. It always seems to get a little mundane to me; never much excitement. We are thankful, however, that no one was admitted to the hospital this month! The last two years someone has been admitted.
Brandon was gone for a week for work. He suffered in Orlando. :) The girls and I had a great week, though we all missed him! We are thankful for friends and family that help us pass time. We hung out with friends, played with cousins, we even got to spend some time playing with four week old German Shepherd puppies. All three girls LOVED it. Brandon has been working some Saturday mornings, so the girls and I have settled into a little different routine. We go get donuts, they take long baths, and we hang out at home. One of the favorite things to do this month as a family is to play Wii Resort. All the girls enjoy that time. Even Sadie will go get a remote, bring it to me and ask, "Wii, Wii?"
Analise is still enjoying school and loves to learn. This month she began reading with a para a couple of times a week, so she can read at her level. I am thankful her teacher arranged this so Analise can be challenged. Analise celebrated her 100th day of school last week. She took in a water bottle full of 100 marshmallows, and she had to pack a cereal snack with 100 pieces. It was my normal day to go in, so I got to participate in the fun activities. Analise did something a couple of weeks ago that just melted my heart. She had brought home a library book a few months ago, and Maisie loved it. So this month, Analise looked around until she found that book again. She wanted to check it out because she knew Maisie would be happy.
Maisie continues to speak more clearly and in longer sentences. She is willing to try saying new words, but if she doesn't want to try, she simply says, "Thomas." She's so proud to say that instead of Matas. She still calls toothpaste, pooth taste, and I just don't have the heart to correct her. Maisie's latest thing is to try something and tell me, "No peeking." Maisie started Kindermusik again, and it's an older class. She is in there 30 minutes without me, and then I join for the last 15 minutes. This month Maisie is learning that obedience is not an option. :)
Sadie (22 months) is growing and developing right on track. We had a development followup appt. at the beginning of the month, and the doctor was very pleased...esp. when I told her Sadie has 30+ words! She is mastering her "C" sounds by asking for cheetos and cookies. :) She weighs about 22 lbs. She loves to play with her Mr. Potato Heads, and she thinks she must color when her sisters are coloring. If she sees a belly button, she will poke it and say, "Beep beep." She was the only one to get sick this month; she had the stomach flu for a few hours. Not fun!


Unknown said...

1. Maisie is HILARIOUS! Man, I love that girl!
2. I didn't know belly buttons went "Beep Beep"!
3. I love pooth taste!

Reba said...

Our 100th day is Friday (we are behind due to snow days). Unfortunately we have about 100 things going on at school that day so we may celebrate into next week too. :) It sounds like all of the girls are doing well and growing like crazy. I always love reading your updates. They make me smile. :)

themountainpaughs said...

What a great update :) I love hearing about a household of girls :)

Anonymous said...

I ran this picture through some great software in photo shop, increased the resolution slightly and put her on display life size in my bedroom in one of my large digital picture displays I absolutely love this picture. She really does appear to be directly in front of me. Since the display is warm and silky smooth I love to press my tongue against her tongue and rub and lick and kiss her tongue. OMG! I sends shivers up and down my spine because it seems like we are really tongue kissing! It is like she is my own private little girl I can tongue kiss whenever I want and it is absolutely wonderful!