Monday, February 8, 2010

February Fun

I will admit; I have the winter blues. A nice warm beach, a good book and only my husband around sounds VERY appealing. I suppose I would add some good food as well. :) However, that isn't reality. Reality is cold, wind, snow and routine. Throw in some crabby kids, a tired mama, and I just want some excitement. However, I should still listen to my mother's advice, because she said last week that sometimes mundane is good. She was right. Twenty four hours later, my life got exciting with a sick child. Sadie, a bucket and I got to spend a few hours together. Thankfully she bounced back rather quickly.
This past week brought some different things, so that helped the winter blues. Lat Tuesday was coffee night with friends. Though if you know me at all, it's more of a hot chocolate night with friends. Either way, it's always enjoyable. We meet at 8:00 and stay until they close at 10:00.
Thursday after school I took the girls to get much needed hair cuts. Maisie's looks the same, only shorter. That girl has an amazing ability to get food in her hair. We decided to let Analise go for a shorter hair cut. She wanted it to look like mine. :) Little does she know that I would like to have her hair. :)
Thursday evening we had a sitter come over so Brandon and I could go to PT conferences. They went great! I only share the juicy details with my parents, sorry. :) It was a lot of fun to see how she has improved with things since we met last fall. I am very pleased to know she is being a light for Jesus at school!
Saturday we had an "un"birthday party for Analise. We don't want to pull off "big" birthday parties every year, so I told Analise that we would do something different instead. I was blessed in the fact that the local art museum was offering a family day on Sat. So Analise invited three church friends over at noon. They bowled on the Wii while I baked the pizza. We ate lunch and went to the museum. It was a win-win! The girls got to see an entertainer, they did all sorts of crafts, and it was all free! Both mom and daughter were happy.:)
Sunday was church, and Super Bowl party with friends. The day ended on a sad note. So sad the Colts lost.

The New Do
Sadie continues to develop

1 comment:

Amy S. said...

Oh my! The picture of Sadie cracked me up!.....and the new haircut is adorable!