Friday, February 19, 2010

Analise is Six

I can't believe I have a six year old. I have had plenty of time to warm up to the idea; she's been talking about her birthday for months. :)
We had a great day...all of us! Brandon went and got donuts for breakfast. She was thrilled. I let her open one gift before school...the shirt she is wearing in the pictures.
I was a busy beaver all day, which it typical of mothers on birthday days. I was up early making the pork chop marinade and finger jello. We took her to school and I was up at church all morning for Bible study and after that a commission meeting.
I got home at 1:15, ate a quick lunch and decorated the cake. I was SO thankful that Brandon had offered to pick up Analise from school so they could go get ice cream together. Not only did they enjoy it, but I was able to keep working in the kitchen. Brandon told me later that while eating ice cream, they watched some of the Olympics. Analise says, "We watched that fudger skating with grandma the other night!" (Figure skating)
The day only got better for us all when Brandon stayed home at 4:00 instead of going back to work. We watched the slideshow DVD that Brandon and I had spent a lot of time on. :) She chose the song for the slideshow....Toby Mac, "No Ordinary Love." We frequently boogie to that song.

Here she is with the pink heart cake she wanted
She LOVED her new shirt from Grandmom and Pops

We loaded up the van a little before 5:45 and headed over to the grandparents for the family celebration. We were so excited to celebrate with everyone on her actual birthday. Her dinner of choice was: grilled pork chops, fries, finger jello, and Gma made the corn and bread. The cake was chocolate with homemade buttercream frosting. Mmmm. :)
During dinner we asked Analise questions and everyone took a turn guessing her answer.
She and I had taked about this before hand, so I knew her answers.
Favorite animal: giraffe
Favorite Bible story: David and Goliath
What she likes to do best during the summer: Swim in her cousin's pool
If she could go anywhere: She'd go to Grandmom and Pops house!
It was fun hearing all the guesses, and her cousin, A, knows her well! (On a side note, all of Maisie's answers had to do with animals and a zoo. I think I am catching on to something here.)
After dinner we watched the slideshow and then opened gifts. She got crafty things, Hello Kitty shirts, Leapster games, a kid's atlas, a new Webkinz, swimsuit, a new bike and accessories. She loved it all!
She also enjoyed all the phone calls wishing her a happy day.
Analise, we are so proud of you and who you are. We pray that you will be a woman after God's own heart. We pray for you to grow in wisdom, stature and in favor with both God and man. (Luke 2:52) I would go on, but I have to go get that six year old from school. :)

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