Friday, June 28, 2013

School is Finished

 School finished about a month ago already. The school year flew right by, and I am so thankful that God lead us into changing schools this past year. 
Maisie had a great year; she grew so much. I still can't believe how much she learned, and I love the fact that she is reading, enjoying it and comprehending! Maisie has lots of friends, and I don't think she ever got in trouble all year. So different than at home...
Here she is with her teacher, whom she loved. Maisie will miss her.

Analise had a great year, too. And she truly could not have had a better teacher. Analise embraced the change of new school and friends, but she did well. One of her best friends was her friend at school all year, and she developed more friendships. She did super well with the Accelerated Reading program. I was sad to see this year come to an end, but I knew it was time. And once it warmed up and felt like summer, I was ready.
Brandon went with me to pick them up on their last day; boy were they surprised! I had a fun "summer" song in the van for them to listen to, and at home I had special celebration drinks - sparkling lemonade.
The first day at home went well, and I am glad. The next few days were days of adjustment. And I knew this would happen. One daughter in particular thrives on schedule and routine, so she had a few rough days. However, after she adjusted to the new normal, it has gone MUCH better.

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