Saturday, June 29, 2013

Memorial Day

Memorial Day was a simple family day for us. I needed to spend time cleaning and doing laundry, but I took a break in the day for a picnic at my favorite park - Cottonmill. We grabbed a pizza and enjoyed a quiet picnic.

 Caramel loved the freedom of running around.

 We discovered the Nature Barn was open; we had so much fun. Brandon took Caramel for a walk while the girls and I enjoyed the animals. The favorite for three of us were these kids, the baby goats. They were SO CUTE! Analise still doesn't like goats, so she never got too close.

 On the other side of the fence were some wild turkeys.

 Maisie got right down with the kids. She loved them, and they loved nibbling on her. At one point Maisie was petting a goat, and the donkey walked right over her. Maisie gave the donkey a look that could kill, and I am the one who died laughing.

 On the way home Sadie stuck out her belly and said, "I feel like I'm having a baby."
I am thankful we got this time together and that I took time to enjoy the day. The cleaning and laundry were still there when we got back home.

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