Friday, June 14, 2013

Mother's Day

Ahh...Mother's Day...a day with anticipation of a day being different and then in reality it isn't. And as I talked with more mothers, I realized it's the same for most women. A mom is always in mom mode, and that's okay. Our children are gifts from the Lord, so I enjoyed my day with my three blessings.

Here we are before church
 Sadie Lady -  my baby who is such a little helper
 Miss Maisie - my girls who makes me laugh and want to cry. There is no half way with this one; she's 100% in all her actions.
 Analise - my firstborn who is blossoming before my eyes. My reader, sensitive one that has a smile most of the time.
 We went to church, came home and I made lunch. We then tackled some outdoor projects. The girls had bought me some flowers to plant, and  it was a great day to get them in some fresh dirt. Brandon's labor of love was rota-tilling the garden for me.

 The girls painted some new pots to put on the porch with their flowers they planted.

For dinner I decided I wasn't cooking and would choose someplace I don't get often. I chose a veggie delight pizza from Papa Murphy's. I love those pizzas! And I got the rest of the family a pepperoni. They didn't mind, and I was happy.

My favorite part of Mother's Day is the little gifts the girls bring home from school. God bless those teachers. 
Sadie came home with an "All about my mom" booklet. Oh how I love these!
Here is what she said:
My mom likes to: play catch with Caramel
My mom's favorite flower: rose
My mom has taught me:  to swim (lol)
My mom's favorite hobby: running
My mom's favorite food: ham and cheese (this surprised me until I thought about how she watches me make myself a grilled cheese some days for lunch)
I love my mom because: she loves me
My mom helps me: make my bed
Her favorite memory with me is when we wet to the zoo
And her favorite thing to do with my mom is to play games.

Maisie brought home a cute craft with her hand prints and a homemade card with this written in it:
Mom, thanks for clenean my bedaroom with your vocyum.
(Isn't that great? So funny!)

And Analise had written a really sweet letter on a 12 inch tile. It says:
Dear mom, thank you for washing my dirty clothes, for making my food so I can eat, and thank you for making my birthday really special. Thank you for taking me to church and to Awana every Weds. and Sun. I love helping you plant the garden, play volleyball and running with you. Your eyes are so shiny. Happy Mother's Day. I love you!
(sniff, sweet!)

My gift from Brandon was my girl's getaway weekend with two dear friends the following weekend. Lindsey, Gretchen and I went to Omaha for some shopping, eating out, pedicures and more shopping. It was a sweet, relaxing time!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I agree with what you said about Mother's true. Also love the girls' answers/comments about their mama. :)