Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Wow - where has the time gone? I feel like so much has happened since I've had a chance to write things down. Here are some things I want to remember, and it will be in no sense of order.

I took Analise to her first musical. The high school was performing a 1950s musical ( I am already drawing a blank of the title..aha"All Shook Up" I remembered!). Brandon was on board with me taking her; he would tolerate it while I would enjoy it. He went turkey hunting that morning, and had a great hunt with his dad, brother and nephew. He got home just in time for Analise and I to leave. It was a cute, well done musical, and thankfully she is young enough that some the inappropriate things went over her head. But she loved it!  It helped that she recognized some of the performers. She liked the music and followed the story line. Yeah! I feel like I am passing along an enjoyment I learned from my parents.

Another fun memory was getting away for a college football game!  We were offered tickets on a Friday for a Saturday game. So once again I am calling Brandon at work, practically jumping up and down with excitement, asking if we can go. It was even more fun calling my sis-in-law to ask if she and D wanted to join us. We were very thankful for grandparents willing to take all six kids so we could get away. We had a lot of fun with some of our favorite people on this adventurous day. We came home in a rental due to vehicle problems. Now if only our team had won...

Maisie got invited to her first birthday party. And not just one, but she had two parties in one week!  The first party was playing in Ballocity at the local fun center. She had a blast!  The next party was a mom and me tea party, and after the tea party we went to the arena to watch "Disney on Ice." Maisie is a huge princess fan, but we haven't watched many Disney movies. As the show started, I had a little mother guilt wondering if I was short changing her some on not seeing the movies to know what the stories were about. I knew the stories and enjoyed the show. Maisie enjoyed it, too, but she had nothing to connect with the stories. So when Snow White came out, Maisie was thrilled....until the mean witch made her appearance. And then Maisie got "stuck" on that mean lady and wouldn't talk about anything else; it consumed her. And my mother guilt was replaced with peace of not short changing her but rather protecting her some. It was a lot of fun for Maisie to spend time with her friends, while I spent time with mine!

Maisie also had a fun lunch with her Aunt Sarah. She was picked up from school and went to eat at Aunt Sarah's house. They then fed Ginger and made cookies. Maisie loved every minute of it, and frequently invites herself over to her aunt's house. :)

We had some college kids (4) over for dinner and games on a Friday night. It was SO much fun!  We put the girls to bed and enjoyed some time laughing, eating pie and playing fun games. When I am with these sweet college kids, I feel young and old at the same time. It brings back fun memories of those days, and they don't seem that long ago...until I remember it's been 11 years, and I am no longer 22. And then I feel old....

That's all I can remember now....

1 comment:

Reba said...

And of course, a fantastic visit with some of your favorite cousins... :)