Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Using Kind Words

It seemed that our girls were going through a stage (Lord willing) of not using kind words. I would frequently hear things said to each other that broke my heart. I want them to learn to be excited  for each other, to celebrate their differences. Instead, I heard them arguing over who had been to more birthday parties, or Maisie would have a milestone of doing something new, and the oldest was like, "So?" and then Sadie would simply mimic the other two. I had had enough.
So when Brandon was actually home for a few days, I filled him in and told him we must have a family discussion about using kind words. We used a family devotional book that suggested we made a paper puppet or something. I used Trio Blocks instead. I had Maisie make her robot, and then Analise shared verses on our speech...kind words to build each other up...harsh words tearing apart.
We gave examples of each, and I wrote them on pieces of paper. The girls then chose a piece of paper, and if it had a harsh word on it, we took a piece off the robot; if it was kind words, we'd build him back up again.

Here is our robot before harsh words:

And here he is after:

Hopefully the girls will remember this analogy for a long time. Hopefully I will, too. Lord, may we use words to point others to You!

I had to take a picture of Sadie...serious family talk, and she sits here like this - jeans inside out and wearing a butterfly mask. :)

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