Thursday, December 8, 2011

Give Thanks

I was determined to make an effort in focusing on Thanksgiving this year. Retailers may blow by this holiday, but our family wasn't going to. We were going to take time and be thankful. But how? That is where I got stuck. Thankfully an idea came to me, and Hobby Lobby had what I envisioned.
Each night at dinner, we would quote the verse, "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever."  We would go then go around the table and say something we were thankful for, and I would write our answers on a leaf. My goal was to come up with something new each night.
Here is what our door looked like at the end of the month.
 And a close up of one of them
Something I leaned in the process - Sadie was always thankful for a person. Maisie was usually thankful for an action verb....doing something. The one above, she was thankful for playing Dominoes. Analise was able to think of some clever answers. One of my favorites went something like this,
Analise: I know - the military!
Pam: That's a great idea
Analise: It is veterinarian's day. (Veteran's Day)

Maisie made this cute turkey in preschool, and she listed things she was thankful for. I'm not sure all our meaningful ideas at home stuck. Maisie is thankful for: the local fun center, kids, Ginger the dog and hearts. My oh my.

1 comment:

Reba said...

I love it. And I don't think there is anything wrong with Maisie's answers either. We can be thankful for a wide variety of things. :)