Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Final Day

Tuesday was our final day, and I wanted to be on the road by noon; I was missing my girlies. :) (BTW...I only talked to them once the entire time I was gone! My dad and I texted, so I knew what they were up to.)
We checked out of our hotel and drove up the street to Castle Rock. We climbed way too many steps and then enjoyed the beautiful view.  This is Lake Huron behind me.
And Brandon with a forest behind him.
 We took this for Analise since she was fascinated with forests this trip.
The bridge again. :)
From there we went to the local airport, and Brandon took a ride in a biplane. He was so excited and LOVED it!  I chose not to go with him; riding like that didn't excite me. He took lots of great pictures from the air, so I selected a few....

We drove the five and half hours home and found these cute girls waiting for us in the drive way. It felt so good to hug them!
Sadie missed me the most. In fact, after being home a few minutes, she said to me, "Mommy, why you gone so long? I missed you." I was impressed she could verbalize how she felt.

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