Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Final Fun

After my parents left, we only had two weeks to cram in the fun before school started. And the last week before school, Brandon was away on a business trip. Poor timing, but what can you do? We filled it up with fun activities.
We had things to do during the day, and I had a couple of meetings to attend. Thankfully the girls were excited to have Twin 1 and then R come over to stay with them.
Weds. night of that week we went to a community "Back to School Bash" put on by our church and other churches. The girls had a blast, and I was thankful to have another family to walk around with. Here they are before the inflatable obstacle course. Sadie went through the entire thing!

And what was my husband doing while we were at the bash? He was riding in a huge limo to downtown Chicago and going up the Sear's Tower. I think he had more fun. :)

Thursday we had our last Bible study out at our friend's house. They live on a small lake, and we tried to get there the Thursday afternoons that we could. The girls loved playing with friends, and I loved visiting with moms and also knowing my girls were getting fed in the Word.

Thursday evening Analise had her school open house. Grandma and Grandpa took the other two girls to the park, so I could focus on Analise. She enjoyed meeting her teacher and seeing her classroom.  She is excited for school to start.
Friday night we expected Brandon to be home for supper. However, when he called from the airport 3 hours away, he told me he was going to stay a little bit later to he could meet up with his good friend (who lives in CO) and his family. I was excited he got to do this. Since he wasn't going to be home, I took the girls (Grandma joined us) to the getting started weekend at the local college. We walked around with tons of other people winning things at booths and enjoying free things. We were also able to watch the marching bad perform a couple of their routines.

Some other highlights:

Some friends from church gave the girls this house; they are enjoying it!

 One afternoon/evening Analise helped me make several batches of salsa.
 The girls slept in the tent in the bedroom a couple of nights.

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