Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Casting Crowns

An hour after the birthday party, we took the girls to Grandma's house. The girls loved spending their time with their grandparents, and it was a treat to spend the night.
Meanwhile, Brandon and I met up with some dear friends for dinner at Ruby Tuesday's and then....

Casting Crowns in concert!  It was awesome!  Their songs really "pack a punch" and are like mini sermons. I loved singing along with the sermons. :)

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for taking care  of the girls, and thanks friends for a GREAT night!


grandma said...

Great pics Pam, we loved having the girls!

Reba said...

It really is like mini-sermons. And I sing along as loud (and badly) as I want. :) Glad you got to go!