Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Are Special

As you can tell in the first picture, the girls got to meet some special veggies! The second picture has nothing to do with veggies; I just thought it was cute. :)
This past weekend, Veggie Tales Live was in a city a couple of hours away. For weeks I wanted to take the girls, but I just couldn't convince myself. I didn't seem logical...driving, price of tickets, etc. As the weekend got closer, my dad reminded me that I have a cousin that tours with the Veggies. That threw logic out with the wind. I decided I could manage a two hour trip with the three girls, and we would make the most of the opportunity. And our cousin did make us feel special. He gave us tickets for great seats and also meet and greet passes. Thanks, J! Analise just loved it, and Maisie, well, she was Maisie....busy! Sadie stayed with another sweet family member. We got home at 10:15, but it was all worth it!
Rest of the weekend was spent around the house. It was beautiful weather, so the girls were able to be outside. We enjoyed having Brandon home from his trip. He spent most of the time building a shed in the back yard. Thankfully, he had some great help. I always love watching Analise help, too. She goes and gets her own tools, and likes to help her daddy. It's pretty sweet!
I've started Sadie on some real baby food. I've been giving her peaches. Once she gets over the initial flavor shock, she seems to enjoy it. I like to think she is getting a little better at swallowing. Many of you were so encouraging with this, so thank you!
One quick funny - before the show began the other day, a gentleman from the church got up to make some announcements. One of them was he told the kids that if their parents for lost or wandered off, they needed to tell someone with a yellow vest. As serious as she could be, Analise patted me on the arm and said, "Mommy, I'm glad I don't have to worry about you wandering off."

1 comment:

Reba said...

How very fun! We watched one of their shows once (Christmas I think). I loved it more than the kids I think. All right, tomorrow night is our BIG concert night (for Mark and me). I cannot WAIT!