Friday, October 3, 2008

Time is ticking away...

First time in the high chair

Sadie means princess

My litte zoo animals

Hmmm...where to begin. I have random thoughts and never know what people really want to know about. All I know is I love reading other friends and family blogs.
So I will begin with last Friday night - Brandon and I had a date! Oh, it was so nice. We left the girls with their aunt/uncle and cousins. THANK YOU! I didn't once worry about any of them, and we really didn't talk much about them while we were out. We went to Red Lobster and enjoyed an uninterrupted meal.'s been awhile! Our next "date" is a double date as we will be going to see MWS and Steven C. Chapman in concert. I can hardly wait! I wouldn't be able to go if I was nursing, so as much as I miss it, I will enjoy the plus side of a bottle.
Speaking of sweet Sadie, she is doing okay with the cereal. I try and feed her at least once a day, but she still has the reflex where her tongue pushes it forward. I know she is swallowing some. In addition to that, I put some cereal in a couple of bottles. She slept through the night last night! I put her to bed at 8:00, and then I got up with her at 6:00 to feed her, and she even went back to sleep. That is the longest sleep I have had since pre-hospital days.
Analise is still loving preschool, and I was able to go with her class on a field trip to an apple orchard. It was lots of fun, but then again, how could it not be when the other moms are my friends? Analise was excited I was there, but she is independent enough that she wasn't clingy at all.
Analise has had a couple of cute sayings recently. The other day I was peeling carrots (a rare sight), and she asked me if I was shucking the carrots. Shucking corn was not a rare sight for awhile. Then the other day, she was rather honest. She told me she loved me more than Maisie, but that she loves daddy the best. She then added me to that statement. :)
Maisie is becoming a little more cautious and tender than she used to be. She actually is fearful of some things now. I find that I am not as frustrated with her as I once was. I've learned that if I explain things to her, she is very adaptable. She is answering yes/no questions, but she still isn't saying much of anything. We have someone coming again this week to do an evaluation on her since it's been a few months. Anyone have any suggestions on getting her to say more words? She has about 10 words that she says: please, up, ball, balloon, Boz, uh-oh, ouch and hot are about it. Analise doesn't talk for her, but she does talk a lot. I've been hoping that with Analise gone more often that Maisie would try talking more.
Today was spent with my mother in law and sis in law making applesauce. It was an all day affair, and now we will enjoy fresh applesauce for many months. Mmmmm...
So these random thoughts have made for a long post. I was a few days behind, thanks to a great book, "Sunset" by Karen Kingsbury (my favorite!). I don't let myself read much anymore, because I'm not very disciplined with it. I will admit though that I tried to do most of my reading while riding the exercise bike.
Enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Love the pictures...she looks so much like you to me in the face. And she does look like a princess. I understand about the dates; we LOVE to go out for an uninterrupted meal too. And WE have a date for the UNITED tour next month- our anniversary gift to each other. :) I am SOOOO excited. Glad pre-school is going well. As for talking, I don't have a lot of advice. We keep saying, "I really wish Joshua were talking a little more..." though I know I will regret those words one day. Do you sign with her? (Simple sign language) We are insisting now that Joshua sign if he isn't going to talk to us. The funny thing is that the language seems to develop a lot of the time while they are signing...don't know why. Hopefully you will get some answers soon. And as for the reading, I had to laugh. I just let myself read a Nicholas Sparks book. I am SO very undisciplined with books and don't let myself do it often. I did most of my reading in the bathtub. :) And as for random thoughts, I love them. Makes me feel closer to you!