Thursday, October 23, 2008

No more....snow

Yes, it's October 23, and yes that is white stuff on the grass. It's a little too early for me. Thankfully we didn't get as much as they thought we might, and Analise had a blast playing in it after lunch.
Now on to better news...The doctor gave us permission to take Sadie off her oxygen at more O2!!!! We gave her the trial week, and she did great. I get teary eyed just thinking about it and how far we have come...watching her O2 stats all over in the NICU, learning she would be on it when we came home...adjusting to a newborn attached to a long tube...taking portable tanks whenever we went somewhere...weaning to just nights...and now completely finished! Many of you had a part in this by faithfully praying. Thank you, thank you! Maybe one of these days I won't get teary when I think about it all, but honestly I don't know if I ever want to get to that point. I never want to get calloused to God's faithfulness. I am also excited to have those tender grips off her face. I can't wait to kiss those little cheeks whenever I want!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Oh wow, snow already! We have gotten it one time, on Halloween I think, in October. Congrats on losing the oxygen at night! She really is a miracle, isn't she? I am thinking about you tonight and feeling envious that you are there...I would do it all over again!