Monday, January 14, 2013

At This Age

One would think I had enough birthday posts already. However, I need just one more. I got to thinking about how I don't remember my mom at age 35. I was just five or six. What did mom like to do in her spare time? What were her favorite foods? What were her dreams and desires? Her least favorite chore? I don't know those things. I should ask her and see if she remembers. :) But it did make me think that maybe I should write a few of those things down for me so my girls can look back and see what I was like at 35. Here goes - 35 things about me in random order.

1. I really can't believe I am this age. I remember high school things well, and can't believe it's been over 15 years since I graduated.
2. I am a procrastinator by nature, though I am trying to get better with that. However, I have learned that sometimes it does pay off waiting until the last minute.
3. I love Target soooo much more than Walmart.
4. I can't wait to get a Hyvee next year. Whoo-hoo for a "real" grocery store.
5. I don't drink coffee, and I have no desire to. I love Starbuck's hot chocolate, and that's about the only place I do anymore. Call me a hot chocolate snob.
6. I love to eat. But I have learned this past year to stop sooner. And my stomach has shrunk; I can't eat like I used to. But I still love food.
7. Chips and homemade salsa is a big weakness for me. Love it.
8. I enjoying cooking and trying new recipes.
9. I enjoy baking with my girls. I remember spending a lot of time in the kitchen with my mom and sister, so now I do it with my own girls.
10. Reading a good book is an "escape" for me. I love to read a good Christian fiction book. Sometimes a book can consume me, and I can hardly put it down.
11. I now love to read my books on my Nook. Something I didn't think I would enjoy. However, my favorite place to read my book is in bed. Now I can use my Nook with the back light and read in bed without worrying about keeping Brandon awake.
12. I am thankful we got a dog this past year. She has provided lots of family time with physical activity. And she taught me that I enjoy a morning walk by myself.
13. As much as I love staying home with the girls, I do admit that I need "me" time. If my mom was in town, I know that at least once a month, I would call  her and offer her the kids for a couple of hours.
14. I am so thankful I started exercising again this year. And now that Brandon and I do it together most nights, I am thankful for that time with him, too.  I still wish I enjoyed running.
15. I love to spend time with friends. Going for coffee/hot chocolate with friends at 8 pm is not uncommon.
16. I love my Tuesday morning Bible study. I don't know what I would be without it. The women and studies have changed my life.
17. Speaking of Bible studies, I love to do Beth Moore and James MacDonald studies. I have probably grown the most from them.
18. I love date nights with Brandon. Just wish I had more of them. Now that two girls are in school full time, sometimes we have date lunches with Sadie.
19. I feel like I do laundry all the time.
20. I am the "no more sugar" Nazi. The girls ask for sugary things all the time, and I feel like I always tell them no. They get some in moderation, don't worry.
21. Ahhh...sugar leads me to donuts. Another favorite food.
22. I love music. Downloading a new song from itunes can give me a "high."
23. Singing is in my blood. One can tell the mood I am in by whether or not I am singing. And this is my main mode of worship - a song in my heart.
24. I love, love, love going to Christian concerts. And I am thankful for a hubby who supports it. I can't wait for the Chris Tomlin concert in a few months. I get giddy thinking about it.
25. I get just as excited to go to a Husker football or volleyball game as I do a concert. Call me strange, but I love them, too!
26. I enjoy traveling. I look forward to going to different places as the girls get older. I would love to go on another Caribbean cruise. I find it completely relaxing. Brandon thinks it would be confining. So I need to find a Christian cruise to go on with him.
27. My favorite tv show now is "NCIS Los Angeles." It's clean, suspenseful and funny. I love to watch with Brandon while a dog is curled on my lap.
28. I also loved the show "The Sing Off" and wish it would come back on air.
29. I love my home, but I wish it was bigger. And nicely decorated. And clean all the time. How's that for honest?
30. I love to wear jeans and an Under Armour sweatshirt. But at the same time, I love to dress up in something cute with ruffles. I just don't go places where I get to very often.
31. I wish I was more intentional with each of the girls. I love teachable moments, but always long for more intentionality with them.
32. Brandon likes boating a whole lot more than I do. I do it for the sake of the family; I don't do it for me. I hope you girls like it more than I do.
33. I love my minivan, and I am not ashamed to say it.
34. I get headaches on a monthly basis, and I am trying to monitor/control those. One of the main reasons I started exercising and eating less.
35. I am beyond thankful to my Lord for blessing me with SO much. I feel like I was given a second chance at life almost five years ago. And in the middle of my frustrations, I try and remember to be thankful I am here. Something I ask myself often is, "Am I strong or am I spoiled?" I long to be strong!


WifeandMom said...

I love this post Pam. And although I knew most of these things about you already, it was fun to learn a bit more! :) You are such a gift to me!

HeyBabe said...

Funny, I wasn't born yet when my Mom was 35:) I do think this was a wonderful idea! I might copy it, but I have boys and they probably won't read it anyway:) Got to love those boys:)