Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mother's Day Part Two

When Brandon asked what I wanted for Mother's Day, I told him an hour by myself and a girl's getaway with some friends. After writing that, it sure looks like I don't love my girls. Completely untrue - love 'em to pieces. However, sometimes I need a break, a breather, a getaway to remind myself how much I do love them.

That being said, I got my girl's weekend. My two friends, G and L, and I went to the city about three hours away. This is our third year of this great tradition. And what did we do? We shopped where we wanted  - with no one whining to leave or climbing through the clothes' racks. We ate at adult friendly restaurants and enjoyed a hot meal. We stayed out late and stopped for some Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. We stayed at a fun hotel and watched a movie late into the night. And the next day we got pedicures. And did some more shopping and eating. And we talked and laughed. We encouraged each other, talked about how to be a better mom, how to raise responsible and Christ loving children.

And we came home to hugs from our kids. So happy to see them. Refreshed. Encouraged. And just maybe a couple pounds heavier. :)

1 comment:

Reba said...

I am sure those pounds will just shred off. :) I think those times are very important. It is because we love our kids we do them. Otherwise, we wouldn't be refreshed. Plus, absence makes the heart grow fonder. :)