Tuesday, June 19, 2012

30 Day Shred

After being out of shape for way too long, I decided to change that. We don't have a membership to a gym, though I wish we could afford the YMCA. I've been walking the dog every morning for the last five months. However, I wanted more. Something quick. Something effective. I remembered friends talking about "The 30 Day Shred" a long time ago, and I thought it sounded appealing. What woman doesn't want to shred some weight? I figured my 9 month pregnant SIL wouldn't be using it, and she was kind enough to let me borrow it.
I started on May 1, and I was determined to stick with it. 30 days. I could do it. And I can say I think I made 25 of 30 days. (My trip to MI caused me to miss a few.) And what did I learn?
That I was completely out of shape. The first few days were torture. My leg muscles were oh.so.sore. My friends would ask why I was walking like an old lady. My answer: "Two words. Jillian Michaels." 'Nuff said.
But then I noticed a difference. I moved to level two and eventually level three. I sweat like a pig, and I remembered how I loved that feeling. Brandon was a huge encouragement and support. And when he said, "I can tell a difference in your (blank)." I was even more hooked.
So here I am a month later feeling a little lighter and more toned. I'm trying to eat better along with working out. More veggies, less chips. Stopping when I first feel full and not stuffing myself. For me it's about self control and discipline.

The girls loved to exercise with me if I started before they were in bed. Here they are with their "weights." Sadie is holding little giraffes, Analise balls, and Maisie two small cars. It's a riot to watch them.

Look at those push ups!

Analise has done the most with me. However, one night she was laying on the floor watching me grunt through some plank pose when she had the nerve to say, "I'm really feeling it."

I am now on month two - this time with my hubby! He's doing it with me each night, and I have to admit it's a lot easier the second time around. Just last night I begged him to do level 2, even though he hadn't done level 1 very long. He agreed, and I sweat a bit more. Yeah! :)
I hope to stick with it now that I've seen a difference and remembered how it felt to be a bit more in shape. And I am loving this time with Brandon. Sometimes Analise joins us, and other times I send her to bed to read. 
At the end of these 30 days I hope to start something different. And hopefully Brandon will join me again. The "30 Day Shred" will hopefully be the beginning to a healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

Reba said...

I think I am about ready to move on to Level 2. Maybe. However, I am looking at all of you doing real pushups when I still do the girl ones and I wonder... :) Good for your for sticking with it! I love that Brandon does it with you.