Thursday, October 27, 2011

Maisie Update

Miss Maisie is enjoying the life  of a preschooler. Here are some high lights of the fun she's had:

This has nothing to do with preschool. She dressed up and told me she was getting married.

Posing next to her cute scarecrow
 She had an awesome field trip to a teacher's house for their harvest party. They played games, rode horses and "trains", decorated cookies and picked out a pumpkin. We all had SO much fun!
 Sadie and I took a ride, too.
 Maisie is ready for her train ride.

Yep-that's me oh so cozy in the barrel. Not. Sadie would only ride if I went, too. I was the only mom who rode in there, and I know why. My back was bruised by the end of the ride, but Sadie sure had fun!

She chose this pumpkin after examining several; she never has been one to make a quick decision.

Maisie was star of the week at school this week. She loved taking snacks (we even made "dirt" for D week.), and sharing her show and tell. She took a robot she made out of Trio Blocks, and the next day she took her favorite stuffed animals: Minnie and Waddles.
She also filled out a poster that was all about her. She loved working on this with me.
Here is some of her poster:

I was able to go into her class during her time of sharing about her poster. She remembered everything she had answered, which I was thankful since it had been a few days since we'd  worked on it. I wish she could stay in preschool forever. :)


grandma said...

I laughed so hard when I saw the pic of you in the train, or should I say 'parts of you' in the train :) So glad someone got that great pic! What fun to be able to go on a field trip with Maisie.

Reba said...

She just looks like a fun girl! I was impressed you "rode" in there...doesn't look very comfortable to me. :)