Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Speak With Good Purpose

Analise came home today with a writing assignment. The character trait of the month is "Speak with Good Purpose," and she is to write about someone she knows that demonstrates this trait. She is blessed to have several family members who do speak with good purpose.
To help her organize her thoughts, we worked together and came up with some ways family members speak with good purpose. The list was too touching to not share. (She targeted people who live in town, but then I had her share about Grandmom and Pops, too.)

She came up with most of these on her own; I prompted her with some ideas, and then she would state what she wanted.

1. She uses nice words when angry. (Really?)
2. Says kind words to friends.
3. Never yells at dad.
4. She is nice to college kids that come over on Thursday nights.
5. Sends Analise nice notes everyday in her lunch.

1. Doesn't yell at mom.
2. He talks nicely when he helps someone at work.
3. He is excited to tell the girls "hi" when he gets home from work.

Uncle D:
1. He is kind to people (citizens) when he pulls them over.
2. He tells his nieces they look nice.
3. Always happy to see the girls.
4. And a cute one: When someone has drugs, he asks them to get them while using a nice "tune."

1. Nice and kind
2. Encouraging
3. Asks me to go places with her.

Cousin K:
1. Encourages Analise when she trys something.
2. Kind to his younger cousins.
3. One time on a bike ride, he told the kids he wanted to ride up front in case he ran over a stick. He wanted to be the one to get hurt, not Analise.

1. Kind
2. Always happy to see us
3. If we ask for his help, he helps us.

1. She encourages my mom and dad to go on trips, so she can have time with the girls. (Woo-hoo!)
2. She asks Analise lots of questions when they talk on the phone.
3. She sends Analise fun notes in the mail.

1. Funny
2. Happy to see us
3. He encourages his volleyball players

Again, we really are blessed to have so many people in our lives who speak with good purpose. If we had more time, our list would be even longer! However, after eight names, the second grader's mind was ready to think about something else. :)

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