Saturday, October 8, 2011

Outdoor fun

Brandon and his dad went on an outdoor adventure with some work guys. Yep - a business trip in the middle of nowhere. More times than I can count, I thought, "I'm SO glad I'm not going on this trip." Canoeing down a swift/twisty turny river,  sleeping in the middle of a pasture and doing all this in 45 degrees, just doesn't sound appealing to me. Call me strange. :)
Thankfully they never tipped the canoe, and they had lots of fun. Good memories for them, and a nice dry bed for me. We were both happy.

Our last time down to the lake this season just wasn't conducive for boating, so we went on a hike instead. I enjoyed walking with my family in God's creation.

If you look really hard, you can see an orangutan in this tree. :) It cracked me up when Analise asked, "Mom, is that an orangutan in that tree?"

We enjoyed our short afternoon at the cabin after our walk. The bummer was on the way home when a tomato cage in the back of the truck in front of us flew out and left big scratches along our truck. Brandon could see it happening, but he couldn't merge into the other lane because there was an oncoming car. What a memorable ending to the cabin/lake days!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Oh, you know how happy hiking posts make me! Looks like a good day (other than the whole scratched vehicle thing).