Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Vacation Begins

We left the morning of July 5 for our long journey to IN. Thankfully the day went smoothly, and the girls were great travelers. We stopped at a Cracker Barrel for dinner, since we were making good time. Brandon ordered chicken fried chicken and took a couple of bites and realized it wasn't even cooked through. Eww! We got to our hotel late enough the girls didn't have time to swim, which is what I was secretly hoping for. We got to bed late enough as it was; we didn't need swimming to make it later.
We got to my parent's house early afternoon. Yeah! We hadn't seen them since Christmas, so it was good to be together again. And it wouldn't be Grandmom and Pop's house with taking Minnie for a walk.
Analise and 16 year old Minnie
My parents had a bike just the right size for Sadie. She was thrilled!

These sunglasses provided lots of laughs!

Got to love my dad. :)

1 comment:

Reba said...

I do love your dad. And your mom. And you all too. I can't wait to hear more about your vacation!