Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tequanamin Falls Michigan (Sat. part 2)

We took the scenic route to Tequanamin Falls, MI. It's a beautiful park with trees and hills. We hiked back to the upper falls, and it was worth every step along the way.

This moose was at the beginning of the trail; I had this picture taken for the girls.

 It was beautiful! I told Brandon it looked liked cola going over. It's a mineral that gives the water that color.

 Another picture for the girls. :)
We made the hour long drive back to St. Ignace and ate dinner back in town. We had a good day, but I will admit - I was tired ALL day. I think the last week of go, go, go caught up with me and once I finally slowed down, my body realized how tired I was. And I will also admit - I missed the girls. I knew they were having lots of fun, which helped me, but I was also sad I was missing out...thankfully the next day was much better for me.

Here is a little sample of what I was missing out on:
Aunt Peg started a tradition with the girls for their 3rd birthday. She takes them to Build A Bear. It was Sadie's turn - and she chose a chocolate puppy. With Peg's help, they named it Mousse. Here is a picture of Sadie with her new pet. (I hope to get more pictures...)
 From there Peg took them to Starbucks to get their first Frappuccinos. Fun times!
Later in the afternoon, Analise went golfing with Pops, Uncle Danny and Aunt Peg. She was so excited when she found out that U. Danny and A. Peg had bought her her own club. Thanks so much!  She got lessons on how to "whack the ball" from both golf experts - Pops and U. Danny. And she was in heaven driving the golf cart!

1 comment:

Reba said...

Oh, fun! You know I love waterfalls. Looks like the girls were having a grand time!