Monday, July 18, 2011

July 4 weekend

Goodness, the 4th seems like ages ago. A brief summary - Friday night Brandon went down to the cabin to go night fishing. I stayed back because I didn't feel like packing everything (esp. since I would unpack to pack again a few days later), and I knew he could really enjoy it without having responsibility of kiddos. I got the girls to bed early and then wasted my time watching a movie. The next morning we were up and at 'em and headed down to the lake and tried to get there so rest of the boaters weren't waiting on us. Mission accomplished; most were just getting up when we arrived at 10:30.
We had fun on the boat with D and S, and then we enjoy supper together. I  have no pictures since I forgot to pack the camera.
Sunday went went to church and then celebrated Sarena's and dad's birthdays with a big family dinner. Lots of good food and laughter!
We thought it would be fun to get Sarena a pinata to celebrate the big 3-0. And we knew the kids would love it. It was lots of fun!

Naturally, each kid had to take a swing.

 Monday we stayed home and packed. Well, I packed while Brandon cleaned the vehicles. Not the most exciting 4th, but it was nice to have the day at home. We did have some special guests, but that will come in another post.
 We let off a few fireworks. It must be a girl thing, but they don't get too excited about fireworks. They enjoy from a distance. And Sadie Lady didn't like them at all this year. Bed time was rough with all the noise outside.

Brandon and his dad at the bday celebration

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