Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sadie's Spot

Sweet Sadie keeps me on my toes. A couple of months ago we noticed a little, red spot on her cheek, and we didn't think much of it. Until a few weeks ago I came home from a meeting and checked on the girls before I went to bed. I discovered Sadie, sound asleep, but covered in blood. Not a pretty sight. Brandon and I cleaned her up, but the spot would not stop bleeding. Super glue finally worked after 4-5 attempts. The next afternoon it bled again, so I took her in to the clinic. After 45 minutes of bleeding and consulting a couple of other doctors, we were told it was probably a pyrogenic granuloma...basically a bunch of blood vessels at skin level. We went and saw a plastic surgeon about it, and he recommended he cauterize it. Since it's on her face, he thought it would be best if she was sedated.

We scheduled for last Weds. I'll be honest...I was a little nervous. Since we had to be at the hospital at 6 am, Brandon stayed home to get the girls ready and get them to school. Deep down I was wishing he could be with me. I was afraid I would cry and would need his strength. On the outside, I pretended to be strong. I had my Bible study women and friends praying. The Lord gently reminded me that He wanted to be my rock whom I lean on - not Brandon. So 5:00 the alarm goes off and at 5:50 I swoop Sadie out of bed so we can be on time. I knew people were praying, and that provided a peace and calm for me. I'd also asked the Lord that I would see someone I knew at the hospital. Silly, huh? Wouldn't you know it, I finish with admissions and turn around for someone to walk us to our room, and the volunteer that morning is our neighbor! I could feel the Lord smiling.
Sadie was a trooper. We waited a short bit, she let the nurse weigh her and take her vitals...all while happy. One of my concerns was when the nurse would take Sadie to the OR. Sadie can have separation anxiety sometimes. And I knew if Sadie cried, I would be, too. This gal who helped with the anesthesia, came in and met Sadie and clicked with her. When she came back later to get Sadie, Sadie let her pick her up, gave me a wave and left the room. PTL! The procedure was only 10-15 minutes. I was also warned that most kids cry when they come out of the sedation. Not Sadie. Not even a peep. The gal who took Sadie back told me that Sadie was amazing - no tears and she breathed in the gas just like she needed to. My response was, "We had lots of people praying."
We left the hospital by 8:25, so I went up to the church to see Maisie before preschool started. She was so excited to see me. :) We then came home, and I could have easily gone back to bed, but Sadie didn't seem interested. She was her normal self all day long. Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

themountainpaughs said...

Thats great! What a trooper...and I mean both of you! God always knows!