Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Last night Brandon and I went to Analise's P/T conference. I'll admit - this is something I look forward to. It was nice to visit with her teacher and her student teacher. The teacher told us about Analise winning an award, but I can't go into details yet. I'll just say we're proud of her. (and that's a good proud). We saw some work she has done, and it just melted my heart. She had to draw a picture of something we do as a family. Here it is: we are at the fishing club. And she got amazing detail that I love. Daddy is wearing his fishing vest; Sadie is in the stroller; there are the "pokey things" (sand burrs); Analise is sitting in her blue chair; and guess which pole has the fish? :)

We were told that Analise is doing an awesome job of reading, which didn't surprise us but was still fun to hear. She is only one level below where kids are expected to be at the end of the year. Analise filled out a cute book called, "All About Me." Here is what we learned...
I like to...swim at my cousin's pool.
The things I like to eat...watermelon, pork chops and strawberries.
This makes me happy...when I get to swim.
If I had one magic wish it would sleep all day. (lol)
The person I admire most is....God. (This melts my heart!)
I want to grow up and engineer. (Most of the kids then thought her daddy drove a train. :) Seriously, can we not help but notice what a daddy's girl Analise is?
What Analise is looking forward to this year: losing her second tooth, having rest time, reading harder books, getting more compliments, (they like to earn class compliments) learning how to tell time and count money.
Three favorite colors: gold, blue and pink.
Analise, we are so proud of you and you shining your light for Jesus!

So after school I picked up Analise, and I noticed her loose top, front tooth was literally sticking straight out. Poor thing, I couldn't look at her without getting the giggles. Pictures didn't do it justice. We came home, and I told her the tooth needed to come out. Lord willing, one of these times we'll pull a tooth without all the drama! This is the first tooth I have pulled; daddy has pulled the others. After a couple of tugs and lots of tears, it came out! Here is a note she left on her door before going to bed:

Here's that tooth sticking out between her lips!

There's a hole in there, there's a hole in there, there's an H.O.L.E...hole in there! (That was one of her softball chants)

After school on Monday, Grandma came over and picked up the girls for their annual "go get a pumpkin" outing. Analise was the most excited. For some reason she just loves pumpkins, esp. the tiny ones. Maisie and Sadie were excited to go, too. And me, well, I was excited to have 30 minutes at home by myself. That's a RARE treat! Thanks, Grandma!

I'll end with a funny. There is a family that lives a street over, and we have seen them run their two dogs - a white pug and black pug. They usally run one up the street and then run the other down the street. Last night Analise says, "That's a weird dog! It's black when it goes up the street and white when is goes down!"

1 comment:

themountainpaughs said...

I loved your whole post...but I'm still laughing about the dog. :)