We've been busy beavers around here. Last Monday morning the girls and I ran several errands. After school was CMA, and then I ran Analise home quick and took off for a meeting at church. I then left that a little early to go to another meeting, this one for Sonrise. I finally got home at 9:45...minutes before it downpoured.
Weds. morning I was up early for Sadie's appt. More of that to come in a separate post. Weds. evening was our first night of AWANA. Brandon wasn't able to help; he took off on a road trip. I took Sadie to Grandma's. Maisie is going to Cubbies this year, and she was so excited. Game time went awesome! The kids were SO good. What are the chances this will last all year? :) I love seeing the kids and visiting with them. It's also a bonus seeing Analise and a nephew.
Thursday morning we went for a walk with friends. I then went to the mall with Sadie. Just Sadie...so nice. I found Analise a couple of things, and I used her birthday money. Thursday after school the girls and I hung out and after dinner went to the library. Since Brandon was still gone and going to get home late, I called my MIL and SIL to see if they wanted to come over for a movie night. At 9:00 we watched "Father of the Bride." It fit the mood with the wedding planning, and it provided some comic relief. Even after all these years, I love that movie!
Friday morning we ran Brandon and the truck down to a dealer to have something looked at. (Side note...they told us something needed fixed for over $200. Yesterday Brandon fixed it. PTL!) After school I called my neighbor friend, and we walked to the park. The girls played and had fun. We got home, went and picked up Brandon from work, got the truck, came home and changed and left for a family dinner with friends in a town 45 minutes away. Whirlwind. Phew!
Saturday morning everyone slept in. I even slept until 8:00! Woo-hoo! It was a cold, dreary morning so I decided we weren't going to go the band parade like we wanted. I was disappointed, but I knew it was the best decision. Instead we took time getting showers, making brownies with Analise, and I was planning for a meeting. My friend, L, picked me up at 11:00 and off we went. We had an all day Children's Commission retreat. It was a blessing of a day! We spent time in prayer and vision planning for children's ministries at church. After the retreat part, spouses came out for dinner. Brandon came, and it was nice to have him there. Thanks G and G for taking care of the girls! We ended up staying later than everyone else and visited with a couple we both really enjoy.
Sunday morning was church, and then Analise and I stayed later so she could practice for the kid's Christmas musical. I stayed and helped.
As the girls and Brandon rested, I ran up to the mall. I've been wanting a new pair of "trendier" jeans for quite some time. Store one let me down, so I braved The Buckle. I'll admit; that store intimidates me. I am so not trendy enough to feel comfortable there. So I just stepped inside the store to look around. A salesgirl saw my clueless look on my face and came to help. She was so helpful! She brought me 10-15 pairs of jeans to try on. She recommended skinny jeans, but I just laughed and declined. Pam and skinny jeans are like oil and water. All this to say...I got myself an early birthday gift - new jeans!
Sunday afternoon we did things outside and around the house. Brandon grilled; we ate a good meal and then played games as a family. It was really fun! I learned Maisie can play more games than I thought. The girls were in bed by 8:00. Yippee! Brandon and I crashed and watched the Colts win. Thanks for joining me, Brandon!
I love your blog, because I love you and your family and it helps me feel connected to you! Thanks for letting me be a part of your life through your blog. AK
You have been a busy little bee! Sounds like a good busy though. I love the picture of your family. :)
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