Friday, September 10, 2010

A Decade of Love

On August 26, Brandon and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. I still can't believe we've been married a decade already. Being the romantic I am, I dreamt of a big celebration. However, my dreams and reality aren't the same. We've talked about going away on a trip. Oh, how I long for that! But it seems we keep coming up short on both time and money. And we can't forget about someone taking care of the kids. One of these days will have all three....I hope. :) So instead we celebrated by going for lunch - with Maisie and Sadie. At least we went out! That night we went to Maisie's preschool open house. Throughout the day I sent Brandon 10 emails, with each email giving him a reason why I love him. He left me 10 sticky notes around the house that said, "Happy Anniversary." We got some nice cards in the mail and my mom and dad sent a gift card for us to use on a dinner date. Lord willing we'll be able to use that soon. I wanted to watch our wedding video, but it's on VHS and our VCR seems to be eating tapes. So instead I looked back through photo albums of our pre-kid years. It was fun. Earlier in the day I shared my wedding pictures with some dear friends since we all met after our wedding. That, too, was fun to look back and reflect, and thank God for the blessings. Here we are 10 years ago.

I wanted to post this of me with my bridesmaid, Rachel. Rachel was happily married for 10 years before the Lord called her home. I don't talk about Rachel much, and people don't ask me...but I think about her often. I still haven't deleted her phone number from my cell phonebook. Rachel is now with her eternal groom. Miss ya girl!
I had the honor of wearing my grandmother's dress. I believe it was 57 years old. Mom, you may correct me on that. :) Here is my paternal grandmother.

And here we are, 10 years later...a few pounds heavier, a few less hairs, three beautiful daughters, and a marriage that is stronger today. Brandon, you will forever be my best friend, and I will never stop loving you. One in Christ; One in Love.


mikeanddebbie said...

Congratulations!!! Your family is beautiful!

Karla said...

Congrats on 10 years! And Rachel....she would be so proud of your strong marriage. Love you!

Reba said...

It seems like just yesterday I was at that wedding...where did the time go? Happy anniversary (a little late). What a beautiful legacy you are creating for your family!