Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Completely Random

It's been so long since I have posted, so these thoughts will be random. Labor Day weekend we tried something new with the girls. In a small town about an hour away, they have an annual kite flight. Since it was a nice day, we decided to take the girls. It turned out to be something all the girls enjoyed. Some kites were huge, and there were about 200 in the sky. We enjoyed a picnic on the hill while the girls enjoyed the kites. Another blessing on that day was seeing a family from our church there. The parents were there with their two older daughters (17-19ish). I asked them what the secret was to having theirs girls with them. Not many kids that age choose to hang out with their parents. Both parents shared that they started doing family things when they were young. They did simple things, started traditions, shared stories together, encouraged time together, went camping, and the parents said they didn't grow old. Brandon and I have talked many times on how to keep our family close and having the girls want to spend time with us. I really enjoyed hearing tips from a family that I would call successful in this area.

I didn't plant as many things in my garden this year. Green beans, three tomato plants, a green pepper plant and basil. Analise loves to help, and Maisie enjoyed picking as well. My favorite thing is the fresh tomatoes. Analise is standing in front of one of them. I've had enough tomatoes to make 3 large batches of salsa, pasta sauce and pizza sauce. We can enjoy all winter long!

Sadie is loving life at the big table and makes herself rather comfy when she is finished eating.

Grandma Luke always takes the girls pumpkin shopping each year. This year they came home with pumpkins and decorations. It was like creating a real Mr. Potato Head. My kind of craft - simple, not messy and the girls loved it!

A couple of Saturdays ago, we took the girls mini golfing. Analise had asked all summer to go, so we decided it was a good day. The weather was perfect, and we had the course to ourselves. It was Maisie's first time to play, so she enjoyed it. Analise and Maisie played the holes (Analise called each hole a "course") so Brandon and I enjoyed playing together. Sadie hung out in the stroller and enjoyed. It was a great family time!

Sadie is officially walking! I still see her crawl every now and then, but her main mode of transportation these days are her own two legs. I even find her carrying things across the room. We are so excited! In the last couple of weeks, she split open her chin 3 more times. Goodness...I think that brings the total to about six times! I think she will be better off walking. :)
Brandon and I are leading Awana games together this year. We are enjoying the time with the kids each week and love serving together. It's been since pre-kid days that we served together. We seem to make a good team. Analise loves having us there with her age group!
The clothes switcharoo is completely finished! Out with the summer and in with the fall/winter. I've learned the best way to do this is to be in the house by myself for about three hours. However, I have yet to learn this by experience. :) I didn't have much to do for Analise since we already had her things out. Maisie moved up to size three and Sadie is still in some 12-18 month, but I also pulled out 18 month clothing. I think she may need suspenders to keep her pants up!
I had a great getaway weekend, but I am going to save that post for another time. Thanks for checking in!


Karla said...

I always love your updates....keep 'em coming! Love the "Mr. Potato Head" looking pumpkins! Great!!

Reba said...

Okay, those pumpkin faces are adorable. Where did she get those? I have seen a couple but none as cute as that! I loved your update (glad you were able to get it in before the sickness came...) The girls are so precious. Thanks for sharing about the family with older kids. We talk about that alot...how do we keep our kids around?

HeyBabe said...

Glad to hear that life is going well! Your girls are growing!

themountainpaughs said...

Very cute pumpkins! I just bought some for the boys, but am trying to figure out how they can decorate and I can still bake the pumpkins...hmmmm. I love that you made your own "tomato" stuff! I would love to learn how. I hope you guys are feeling better now!