Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fun Times

What an October it has been! Most of the days have been cool and cloudy. So we take advantage of the sunny days! This week the girls were playing outside. Sadie walked over to me, coat in hand and gabbered a long sentence, making it very clear she wanted to be outside with her big sisters. I couldn't resist. I put her in the swing first, because she always enjoys that. However, since she is an official walker, I let her roam the yard. I had the most delight watching Sadie delight in her new independence of walking around and playing with new things. She was on top of the world. Her favorite thing was the Little Tykes car. In and out, in and out.
Last Satuday the girls came flying into our room announcing, "Snow, Snow!'' (Maisie says, "No No!") They couldn't even eat breakfast before they went outside. Brandon and I pulled out the snow gear and realized we have some shopping to do. :) Both girls were in snow pants that were too small. Analise squeeze into her boots. They didn't care; they just wanted to play.
As much as I didn't want snow on Oct. 10, it really was pretty. The first snowfall always is. Come January, I will be tired of it. While the girls played, I made pancakes for breakfast. After that we all went shopping for new winter gear. The girls did fairly well, but we didn't have any luck.
We had a good, healthy week. We were able to participate in all the scheduled activities. Music Academy, Awana, Bible Study, Moms in Touch, etc.
Sadie is now 19 months. She is walking everywhere, carrying the step stool to reach things she shouldn't be reaching, and she can jabber like none of my other girls did. She is signing for "more" and "milk." She's had a cough and runny nose, but I think part of it is teething and part of it is just because she's Sadie.
Analise said something awhile back that I want to remember. A few months ago, I had her grandma buy Analise the next size up in undies. However, they were way too big. When I brought out all the fall/winter clothes, I decided to have her try them again. I laid out her school clothes with her new undies. When she was getting dressed, she asked me, "Mom, are these my big grandma underwear?" I laughed and laughed, but I knew what she meant. :) The best part...they fit!
I've been going in to Analise's class once a week to help for about 30 minutes. I always enjoy it and I like getting to know her classmates. She likes having me come, even though I don't ever work with her. I go in the afternoon while the other two are sleeping. A college gal comes over and does homework while I am gone. After I leave the school, I usually run a couple of myself! It's so liberating. :) It's a good set up, and I love it.
I think that's about it. We are going to enjoy the sunshine.
This tube has provided lots of fun
Sadie loved her freedom in driving the car

The first snowman of the season

Snow fun in early October

Maisie is you know where she is?

Grandmom reading a story over the phone to the girls

Our little flower


Sara Campbell said...

Where are ya'll that you already have snow? Our earliest has been Oct. 31st. That's early for this Memphis girl. The snowgear fitting always shocks me too... it is amazing how much they grow in a year!

Reba said...

I love all of the pics, as usual! I would love to see the girls in person more though. :) I cannot believe you have already had snow. We thought we might get a little this weekend, but it didn't happen. Oct. 31st is the earliest I ever remember for us too. I wish you could come help in my classroom. :)