Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busy days

We've been busy the last few weeks. I don't think I can remember it all.

Sundays have become busy days. (I miss my day of rest!) We have church in the morning, I am at church at 3:00 for choir practice for the Christmas production, I leave at 4:00 to go get Analise and take her to the church for the kid's practice until 6:00. Some nights we pick her up at 6:00 and go straight to small group until 7:30ish. I am excited about this Christmas production because it's a multi generational production. I love seeing families (or parts of families) participating together. I look forward to serving with Analise by singing on stage.

Last Monday was applesauce day! It's another tradition. :) This year there were more apples, so it took all day! We go to my mom in law's house. My sister in law comes as well. This year her mom was also there. We were very thankful for the extra help! We left at 4:30, grabbed a pizza on the way home and ate quickly. Analise and I then left at 5:20 for her music class. We were home 6:40 and headed out the door again. Her school was having an openhouse for parents to meet each other. I was looking forward to getting to know some of them, but when we were there we were the only ones in the classroom. Oh well, I always enjoy visiting with her teacher. Analise was thrilled to show us again, and I like Maisie being able to see where Analise spends her day.

Tuesday we stayed home from Bible study because the girls had an annoying cough. We ran errands instead. I was supposed to have a meeting, but it got canceled.

Thursday I was able to go to Analise's class. I had a different group of kids, so that was fun. I then made a quick grocery run since I didn't know when else I would have the chance. I am loving this "freedom" each week!
The girls were all moody/emotional today. It makes me wonder what they will be like as teenagers. Whew! Glad to get them to bed!

Friday was Fall Break, so we had Analise home all day. I was glad because the day before, eight kids were absent from her class. We want to stay away from the sick germs! We all slept in, and everyone woke up on a much happier note. PTL! The girls got along so well all day! I decided it was a good day to make sugar cookies. We made the dough in the morning and used cookie cutters in the afternoon. Then came time for frosting. What a mess! Thankfully they had fun. I had a good laugh during this time. I had the two older ones standing at the counter while I mixed their frosting, and I was on the phone with my mom. I hang up the phone and see Sadie walking out of the kitchen with cookies in hand. I said, "Sadie...", and she gave me a smirk and ran out of the room. Little stinker took them off the counter! :) I'll post pictures of their cookies another time.
Friday night was movie night. We watched the new Veggie Tale Christmas movie. I know...but I had a good reason. Operation Christmas Child is kind of promoted, so I wanted to preview and see if it was something we would want to show at church. So it worked well. I got something accomplished during movie night. :)

Saturday was game day! Grandma came over at 7:30 so Grandpa, Brandon and I could get on the road. We went to the University football game. It was cool and kind of dreary but lots of fun! Our seats were behind the field goal (to the side a little) and I love watching from that angle. Though the outcome wasn't what we had hoped for, it was a great time regardless! Fun times and time with my hubby. I loved it!

Sadie had a doctor appt. last week. She finally hit the 20 lb mark! We did a little jig when we heard the good news. Everything looked good. We will continue breathing treatments while she has this cough. Grr...those are battles! She has learned how to take it all apart.
After I was home from the doctor, the nurse called to let me know that more H1N1 vaccine had arrived. Last time they were out within four hours. It put a kink in my day, but praise the Lord for Grandma willing to come over last minute. I picked Analise up from school and then took Sadie in. She qualified for it because of her small lungs. We waited our turn and got shot. She started crying when they pulled up her pant leg. She knows what that means. She recovered quickly and had no side effects.

This week has been busy as well. Fun things, but still busy. More on that later....

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