Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Before I forget

I don't want to forget a couple of things...
Here are the two girls actually sitting down and enjoying something together. One of these days they will be best buds, but now they don't play together all that much.

Analise's cookies that she decorated. It was a LOT of work on my part for those cookies to have that frosting....
Maisie loved decorating, too! A wise friend suggested I give the girls gum while they frost so that don't lick their fingers and utensils. Maisie had gum and still licked!

A couple of Analise funnies:
1. Yesterday at breakfast she announced, "Satan is going to eat breakfast with me." Wanting some clarification, I asked her to explain. She told me she had named her new plasic snake, Satan. I suggested we change the name. The snake is now called San Diego.
2. Last night at supper, Analise says, "I like cash." My first response was, "Me, too!" I asked her if she knew was cash was. "Yeah, it's what I am eating." Um, that would be quiche. :)


Reba said...

In that case, I like to eat cash too. Yum. You are so wise to record these moments...you think you will always remember, but at least for me, I forget after time...

Karla said...

Like Reba said, I give you props for recording these cute sayings. Unlike Reba, I forget after the next moment....and forget to write them down!!! :)