Friday, November 20, 2009


We have been enjoying the nice November weather. It's so much better that October. We've gone to parks, played outside, and I have loved watching all the girls enjoy it so much. Sadie is finally able to play at the parks since she is now a walker. And she's not only a walker...she's a climber! She climbs the play equipment all by herself and goes down the slides by herself. I stood behind her as she climbed up 8 vertical steps to go down a metal slide. That girl; she amazes me. I now let her play out in the back with the other two. She climbs up the ladder and down the slide there, too. I still get a little nervous. :)
Sadie seems to be developmentally catching up to her real age. She is saying more words, (but she still won't say mom or dad.) I hear: juice (for milk of all things) apple, help, ball, balloon, choo choo, and others that I am probably forgetting. She will still jabber in complete sentences. Sadie's latest thing is taking off her clothes, mainly her feety jammies. Most mornings if I don't go in her room as soon as I hear her, there she stands in only her diaper. The other day she kept taking off her shirt. Goodness! She continues to go everywhere and get into anything she can. She is also bringing a diaper to me when she is stinky. Another new thing is she shakes and nods her head when I ask her a question. It's so cute seeing her head bob up and down.

They all cuddled up after baths...couldn't pass this moment!

As Brandon and I were enjoying lunch one day, the other two were busy playing. As you can see from the picture, they were quite entertained as the moved almost everything from their room to the living room. I think the quiet lunch was worth the cleaning up...
More updates to come.

1 comment:

Reba said...

I cannot believe Sadie has grown so much! She sounds like she is on target...she is doing a lot of stuff Joshua does. We keep him in a onesie always at night for that very reason, the footies come off. I love all of the pictures. Your girls are beautiful.