Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's about time...

...for a girlie update! I find myself thinking of things I want to remember, but I am sure I'll forget some things as I am posting.
First, Sadie is doing well and completely over her pnemonia - yeah! No more breathing treaments and medicine. I did end up taking her in spur of the moment this week. When I laid her down for her nap, I noticed the inside of her ear was all bloody. I couldn't tell if was from something outside or inside the ear. Thanks to my sister in law watching the other two, and the deductible being met, I took her in. :) Sure enough, she had just picked a scab. After knowing that, I could rest better that night. That girl has gone to the doctor her fair share.
Sadie is on the move, and boy is she quick. She discovered that crawling on her hands and knees really was better than swimming across the floor. When Analise saw her crawling on her hands and knees, she said, "Sadie is crawling the old fashioned way!"
She is still pulling herself up to anything she can, and just yesterday I saw her take some baby steps along the couch. It will be so nice when she is walking. It's so hard going outside with her, because I hesitate putting her down.
She's eating great and loves almost anything I give her. Now if only I could convince her to drink from a sippy cup. She is now attached to a blanket, but I've learned her bottle is a comfort item, too. I have another 6 weeks or so before she must be done. So I will go with my nature and procrastinate on this switch. Sadie is saying, "uh-oh" and waves bye-bye while trying to say it. She enjoys blowing kisses and does each night when we tell the girls goodnight.

Sadie in the hippo ball pit All three enjoyed it
Maisie: Is growing up so quickly. I love hearing her news words and putting them together. She is saying some three word sentences, but she will say longer sentences with filler words. The gals came this week for a follow up on how she has been doing with the speech help. They were thrilled!
She is still doing great with potty training. The only thing I wish she would learn is to not take her pants and undies completely off. I put them back on several times a day. Last week she had an accident so I went in her room to get new bottoms. In the meantime, she went out back and was riding the glider wearing only a shirt! I could only laugh and dress her quickly. Maisie is learning that Sadie can ruin a project quickly, whether is be knocking down blocks or taking apart a train track. We are trying to work through this.
Maisie is still a great eater, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her. She's not very heavy. Her absolute favorite still is fruit. Fruit will trump anything else on her plate. Even with a kid's meal from a fast food place, she will pick applesauce or oranges over fries. If only I would do the same...
Sadie finally crawled into the dishwasher

Maisie is protected against UV rays...
Analise is closing in her her preschool year. I am so sad. We will both miss the great teachers, neat friends, and I will miss the mom friends, too. Today she was at the park all morning and loved it. Thankfully the weather was great. They walked around a big pond, and she told me she saw a turtle and a goose. One of her friends saw an octopus, but she didn't see it. :)
Last week was Awana awards night. She was so excited to get her Cubby certificate. She learned a lot of verses this year. I am so proud of her!
A couple of weeks ago was Kdg. round up. It was a good time for her to meet her teachers and see what the school looks like. I know she is excited, but it will be a big step. We don't know any of the families or kids that will be in her class. My heart's desire and prayer is for her to find at least one Christian friend.
Yesterday as I was putting Sadie down for a nap, I heard the girls go out the back door. When I walked out of Sadie's room, I got a big whiff of something flowery, but I couldn't figure out what. I went out back, and there was Maisie on the glider wearing sunglasses and a hat. Analise announced that she had even put sunscreen on Maisie. That explains the smell and two big, white globs on Maisie's forehead. Stick around here long enough, and you are gauranteed a chuckle.


Dusty said...

I have a picture of Anlynn in your hippo ball pit at about the same age as Sadie! I can't believe it's been so long and so much has definitely changed! Love you, friend!

Karla said...

Keep writing, Peej! It makes me look foward to the upcoming day when I will have 3 feeding off of each other...I love the way that you parent with such grace. Love you lotsa!