Thursday, August 28, 2008

We're Singing Praises...

Analise shared some animals with Sadie

Unto J-E-S-U-S...
Sadie had a developmental check up on Monday. The state offers these free of charge for preemie babies. Since her adjusted age is 3 months, it was our first one. Though we drove two hours for a 20 minute appointment, I was glad we went. The doctor was pleased with Sadie's development, and she seems to be hitting the milestone she should be. She is babbling, cooing, "engaging in conversation", she follows objects with her eyes, can isolate muscle movement and is smiling and laughing. Her only shortcoming is really my shortcoming; I don't give her enough tummy time. So, I am trying to do better with that. It's just hard for me to leave her in a position she doesn't like.
While we were at the hospital, we went up to the NICU to see some nurses, and that was a lot of fun. Such dear people!

Brandon and I celebrated our 8th anniversary by not really celebrating. :) He and I got time in the car on Monday, did a little shopping...and all with one only daughter, so that kind of felt like our celebration. He brought home lunch for me on Tuesday, so that was a fun treat. We are thankful for eight great years of marriage, and honestly, not only am I thankful to be married to such a wonderful man, but I am thankful I was alive to celebrate with him. Looking forward to many more...


Linds said...

What a great report.... Happy Anniversary too! What a blessing you are both to so many! So glad you had a little time together:) Linds

Anonymous said...

I, too, am glad that you are alive to celebrate with your husband and enjoy your sweet girls! So glad to know that Sadie is doing so well. Enjoy the weekend and I hope that Analise's first week of school goes well--for both of you!

Karla H.

Reba said...

Happy anniverary, late. I am so sorry I am just now posting...I have been sleepy this week. Anyway, what a joy to celebrate together your marriage, your lives. God is good. All of the time.