Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Having Fun





I've been playing around again with Picasa 2 with adding effects to different pictures. I'm sure there is something more important to be doing, but it feels good to use some of my little creativity.
We had a good weekend. I was able to go to some garage sales on Saturday...yeah! It was the first time I had gone all summer. I found a few good deals. Sunday we took Analise along with some friends to the lake to go boating. We had a lot of fun. Analise tubed on Big Mable and swam in the water with her life jacket on, and she even let go of her daddy to swim on her own. We were so proud of her.
Maisie got to spend a lot of time with her grandparents this weekend, and I think she kind of enjoyed the role of the oldest.
Sadie went to the doctor yesterday and got a great report. She now weighs 10 lb. 5 oz. Her oxygen stat was 93, and her respitory rate was great. Praise the Lord! She is such a happy baby; she loves to coo and talk, or as Analise says, "Make sounds." She has given me a couple of "almost" laughs, but she looks like she wants to laugh and just can't figure out how quite yet.
I'm off now to be more productive in my precious hour of no kids. :)
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1 comment:

Reba said...

Sweet pictures! There is no denying who your oldest princess belongs to! It is like looking at you again, going back through time. I am so glad Sadie is doing so well...what a true answer to prayer.