Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Corn Girls

Tis the season for fresh corn on the cob, and we are loving it. We don't eat it every day, but we have it at least a couple of times a week. Analise can eat a couple of ears, and Maisie wants to be like her sister, so I no longer cut it off her her.
It's been a quiet few days around here. This past weekend we celebrated a cousin's birthday, but that was our only fun thing. We spent rest of the weekend at home. The daddy of the home is building a bunkbed for the girls. They are already in the same room, but Maisie is still in the crib. The bunkbed is coming together nicely, and we will be transitioning to that soon. So for the next few days, I will enjoy Maisie being confined at sleep times.
I have finally ventured out for walks with all three girls. It's been cooler in the afternoons, so last week I gave it a try. It worked well enough to try again, and the second time was better. Analise rides her bike and is doing great. She is getting a little more brave in where she goes. Not all driveway sidewalks are flat. It is good for all of us to get some fresh air while having our own personal space at the same time.
Sadie is growing...according to what others tell me. They say she looks bigger. I just don't know if she is getting enough to eat. She's drinking about 3 ounces a feeding. It's not much more than what she's been drinking for quite some time. This whole bottle thing is new to me. I miss the good ol' days of just nursing. Sadie is content, happy, has wet diapers and is sleeping well. I hope those are signs she is getting enough.
School doesn't start for us this week, but early September our lives will take on a different schedule. Until then, we will try and enjoy the lazy days of summer.


Reba said...

I can't wait to see a picture of the bunk beds. I am impressed he is making them! I love the pictures of the girls eating corn...all three. :) I love taking walks with my crew. My older ones usually use their scooters and I put Joshua in the stroller or backpack. Maria, well, she just comes along and asks a lot of questions. If we could get the rain to stop, we might get to walk again...
Have a good rest of the week!

Dillan Family said...

so cute with them all eating corn! i love seeing pictures of all your girls on the blog.