Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's a Wrap in 4th

Just like that I was the mom of a 4th grader. I knew this was going to be a big "jump" from 3rd to 4th grade, and the teachers put a lot of emphasis on that. Thankfully I knew Analise would handle the transition well.
She, too, was excited about her teacher this year; she was more excited her good friend, Ally, got the same teacher.

Nothing like a chocolate chip pancake to kick off 4th grade.

Analise did have a great year. She is such a first born and wants to do things right. Therefore, she follows rules and gets things turned in one time. We are also blessed that things come pretty easily for her, so she didn't have much homework. She enjoyed her classmates, switching with other teachers, and she loved Mrs. Carnahan. Mrs. Carnahan is caring and witty, which Analise enjoyed. 
The beginning of the year was a little rough, and it took some time to figure out why. Analise had to take an antibiotic for something (I don't even remember) and that set her up for tummy troubles. She would wake up each morning and have tummy issues. To the point where she couldn't go to school. And then by 9:30 she was just fine. She'd eat and have no issues. We had testing done, we saw the chiropractor and prayed. We talked about worry and how that can effect physical things.
Finally, after talking with a friend who is a PA, she mentioned taking some over the counter medicine to help her stomach lining heal from the antibiotic usage.  (I think it was Zantac) A few days later, she was a new girl.
The cycle was broken. Praise the Lord! 
Analise was able to be a ball girl for the high school volleyball game this fall, so that was a lot of fun for both of us.  This winter she had club volleyball and always kept up with her piano.
Analise with Mrs. Carnahan
At the last assembly, Analise received the character award for her class, and she also got the reading award for having read the most points of all 4th graders. It was fun to see her surprised face when they called her name.
 Also at the end of the year, Analise did a first - she participated in the talent show. Analise does not like being in front of people,  so this was a big deal. I hate to say I talked her into it, but I pushed her on her reasoning for originally saying, "no." She had great friends that were going to perform a routine to Toby Mac's "Me Without You." I told her this was an opportunity to be with good Christian friends and shining her light for Jesus. She committed to it and was so glad she did.

Analise, we are always so proud with how well you are doing at school. But it's more than that; we love your love of learning. And your middle name of Joy is so evident in your life. We always pray that you do things for God's glory, not for man's. He gives you gifts; your gift back to Him is how you use those gifts.
Keep smiling, keep trying and keep loving others along the way.
And yes, I am still in shock next year is your last year in elementary school.

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