Thursday, June 19, 2014

It's a Wrap for 1st Grade

Maisie was excited for school to start, and she was happy about the teacher she had been given. We didn't know anything about her, but for some reason Maisie had wanted to have her.
Here she is on the first morning...ready to eat her #1 pancake!
 I am very thankful Maisie had a great year, too. Her learning accelerated this year, and she ended up being one of the top readers in her class. She was responsible at school, had a like/dislike relationship with math, and she was always smiling at school. 
And the bond with her teacher was simply incredible. My girls have all loved their teachers, but sometimes God just gives you just a bit more - and that's what Maisie and Ms. Vacek had this year.
Two peas in a pod. Maisie thought Ms. Vacek was simply the best thing ever. And Ms. Vacek loved Maisie and her sense of humor. Maisie would write spelling sentences to make Ms. Vacek laugh; they would write sweet notes to each other in her planner. Maisie liked staying after school to help Ms. Vacek clean up the room. (Why isn't she like that at home? :))
My heart still overflows for their relationship. I also enjoyed having her become a friend. I pray that I can be a positive, Godly influence in her life, since I don't know where she is spiritually.
Something else special this year was that when Ms. Vacek had to miss school, I was able to sub! That was so fun being in Maisie's class.  I was Mrs. Luke and mom all in one. :)
At the last assembly, Maisie got the character award for her class. 

And here she is on the last day. She was so excited to be finished with school and yet sad at the same time to leave Ms. Vacek.
 In addition to school this year, Maisie added to her extra curricular activities. She had CMA on Monday nights, Awana and Weds, and she added gymnastics on Tuesday nights. She loved this! She and her great friend were in the same class. That was a perk for me, too, since we could carpool. :) 
Music isn't her love and so it was fun to see her gain some confidence and explore something new she did enjoy and did well with.

Maisie we are so proud of how far you have come this year. You learned so much and applied yourself to new things. I love hearing how well you are reading, and even better, I love how you are comprehending what you are reading for your AR quizzes! Speaking of that, I am so excited how you made Mr. Stute's AR goal every quarter; that was a lot of reading!
Most of all, I loved how your joy from Jesus overflowed and affected so many around you at school. I pray you continue to smile and laugh due to joy in your life. Don't let frustrations get you down; let them make you stronger. We love you Miss Maisie!

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