Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Special Dinner

Our community is blessed to have a ministry that goes into high schools to talk about making good choices and NOT backing away from sharing the good news of the Gospel. Their annual fundraiser was a couple of weeks ago, and we decided to go again. Somehow we ended up as table hosts, but that was fine with me. We had family and friends at our table, so that made the night more special.

The speaker for the evening was Tony Perkins, and we had the privilege to meet him before the dinner. He was such a humble, down to earth, Christian man who has followed God's call into serving in the political world. Brandon about laughed out loud when I asked Tony if he ever thought about running for president someday. But I was serious; I would vote for him in a heartbeat. :)
He was a great, funny speaker, too. And even better - he was positive about things going on in our country. It was nice to hear. It was a good reminder to pray for our leaders and country, and to make a difference in my sphere of influence.

If you don't know who Tony is, he is the president of Family Research Council. (It's the only news I read and follow.) I encourage you to check it out!

I enjoyed the evening out with my man, among friends, and the girls enjoyed a night at home with Twin 2.

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