Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Last Week Highlights

We had a pretty good week last week. However, it didn't go as I had planned. Of course it went as God had planned! When picking up Analise from school on Monday, Maisie kept telling me she was tired. When we got home I told her if she was tired she could lay down and rest. She did...and fell asleep. Hmm...not a good sign. Sure enough, she was running a temp. Brandon came home earlier from work so I could take Analise to music. When Maisie was on Tylenol, she seemed to be fine. Tuesday morning I couldn't go to Bible study, so we stayed home and relaxed. Maisie was running a low grade fever but seemed just fine! That afternoon we went up to the school for a special assembly. More to come later.
After school I took Sadie and Analise over to their cousins' house so I could go to my eye appt. Maisie went with me. It was fun having that time with her. She got to play with Analise's Leapster, which is a treat. She was very interested in what the doc did with my eyes, but she did a nice job of being polite and staying out of the way. I think the doc and nurse got a kick out of her; most people do. She's just sweet and funny without even trying.
Thankfully, she was well enough to go back to school on Weds. Weds. morning Analise had a late start for school. After we dropped off Maisie, we went out for a donut. I'm not usually with Analise and Sadie; it was fun! And I have to admit; the donut was amazing. A fresh and warm cake donut slathered in chocolate frosting. We then ran a donut up to Brandon at work. I am hoping we can do this each quarterly late start.
Weds. night Awana was the first time for both Brandon and me to be there. I love serving alongside my husband seeing our gifts compliment each other's.
Friday morning was a special time. A couple of weeks ago I was reminded of God's faithfulness in the life of Sadie, and I mentioned to Brandon that we need to remember that. I then added that I missed sharing her story. This past Monday a gal called from a town nearby asking if I would want to share Sadie/God's story at their MOPS meeting on Friday. Yeah! With the help and encouragement of those around me, I thought it went well. I enjoyed sharing and remembering how God worked in so many intricate ways and through people! I am thankful that L willing and lovingly watched my girls for me. I am thankful for S going with me and having another good friend, D, there as well. Thank you to those who prayed for me. After I was finished speaking, a mentor mom came and shared with me. She shared that the story made her very emotional because she had a similar story: two healthy pregnancies, a surprise pregnancy accompanied with difficulties. Her daughter had some physical problems but is now 22 years old. She, too, was reminded of God's faithfulness. She then told me, "You think you have a story now; just wait...it will only get better." How refreshing for me! Not only did God take care of Sadie then, but He will continue to!
Friday evening was another perfect night so we ate dinner and headed to a park. We'd been there for the first time (this summer) last weekend and loved it! They have a barn there with animals and a new playground. The girls love the animals. When Analise announced she saw the camel, Sadie made a spitting sound. Cracked me up. We then went for a "hike." We followed turkeys to their roost. Brandon loved it, and the girls liked seeing it, too. Analise was a little hesitant at first. She told me, "Mom, I'm a little concerned the turkeys will think I am a small tree and land on me." Once she heard me laugh, she realized it was kind of silly and decided to go check it out. We found a small amphitheatre, and we let the girls play on the stage while we sat back and watched. I love watching the girls get caught up in their own world. I always feel like the world is a good place when I watch my girls play at a park. For just a few moments we can forget about the ick filling our world and simply enjoy our blessings.
Saturday morning Analise and I went to another bridal shower for Aunt S. We both had fun. We later joined her at the bridal store to watch her try on her dress. Analise and Maisie also tried on their dresses. After that we went microwave shopping. Ours blew something this week and no longer works. It's always interesting shopping with three girls. Honestly, they did pretty well. Saturday night we enjoyed getting together with family; it had been awhile!

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