Friday, October 29, 2010


One of the things I appreciate about Analise's school is the fact that they highlight a certain character each month. At the end of the month, the teachers choose a kid that represents that character. When Brandon and I went to P/T conference, Analise's teacher told us that Analise was going to win the character award for integrity. We were so proud of her. We kept it a secret and then showed up for the assembly. She's smart enough now to know that when the parents come to an assembly, that means something good for her. :) Regardless, when her name was called to go up front, I'm not sure whose smile was bigger...hers or mine. I think her joy came from having her daddy there.
I asked her to tell me what integrity was, and she said, "Knowing what's right, and doing what's right." Analise, we are SO proud of you!

This week she came home with another certificate. She got this one for having excellent behavior in the classroom. (She had no clips taken down for bad behavior...hence "zero.")
One more thing. A few days after her award, she got a postcard in the mail from her music teacher. Her music teacher is the best around, and she is a Christian lady who we know from church. Anyway, I read her note to Analise, and I got tears in my eyes. She talked about how proud she was of Analise, how proud her parents were, but most important, Jesus was proud of Analise for shining her light for Him. How sweet that someone else encouraged Analise in her faith. This mama was so thankful for that!

1 comment:

themountainpaughs said...

Is this a christian school that she goes to? Sounds like they have some great character building programs going great that she is getting that at school, and soaking it in! I'm proud for you!