Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two bees and not a bee

Halloween has come and gone already. Here are my lovely ladies all ready for the candy occasion! Sadie didn't seem to mind her costume, Maisie slowly got in the spirit, and Analise loved looking silly.
Thankfully it was a beautiful evening. It as warm enough we didn't need jackets! Analise loved going house to house with her cousins, and eventually Maisie joined in on the fun. Her 9 year old cousin was an awesome help with Maisie. Now we have way too much candy. I want to go through it and put some in the freezer and pull some out to put with our Operation Christmas Child boxes.
Hope your trick-or-treating was as fun as ours!


Dusty said...

I'm glad the costume worked for Sadie! Pass it along or send it back, either is fine with us!

Linds said...

Thanks for the pics of the Bees and clown... they looked adorable! So glad that you are feeling back to normal now!

Reba said...

Very cute costumes! Looks like a fun time! I agree about the too much candy. My kids each have a plastic shoebox they keep candy in (the lid has to fit). When they clean it out, I take the rest to school to the lounge. I like the idea of using it for the Operation Christmas project. We participate in that too!