Sunday, November 30, 2008

Nnovember News

Whew! It's been awhile since I've updated. Where should I begin? We had a fun visitor last sister came out! I hadn't seen her in over a year - crazy! We had fun playing with the girls, shopping, putting up the Christmas tree, and we celebrated her birthday. Analise wanted to make her a turkey cake, so we did. We look forward to seeing her again next month.
At pre-school, Analise had a Thanksgiving feast that she enjoyed. She came out of class looking like an Indian. I wonder what she ate...
Last week I took the girls to a park nearby for some fresh air. There was another young mom (see how I still include myself as a young mom? :)) there with her daughters. We began visiting and realized we had some common friends. I introduced my girls, and then a little later, I could see her processing everything about what she knew. She then said, "I prayed for you!" She had prayed for me and Sadie while we were in the hospital! Isn't God so cool to still be revealing people, people I didn't even know, who were praying for us?
We had a good Thanksgiving weekend. We have MUCH to be thankful for this year! I summed it up at the dinner table by telling everyone I was thankful to be a family of five.
I even went shopping with the ladies on Black Friday; however, we didn't get up super early. We were out by 7:30. It was lots of fun, and I got some things. I do know already that some will have to be taken back.
While my sister was here, she helped me buy an Ipod. Yeah! I am learning about it and enjoying music from it. Analise has been interested in it, too.
This week I got Sadie up from her nap and discovered a really mattery eye. So, Grandma was to the rescue so I could rush Sadie to the doctor. Not only did she have pink eye but also an ear infection. I have no idea where she could get this when she is with me all the time. I don't ever leave her in the nursery at church.
Since Sadie had pink eye, I had told Analise not to get too close to Sadie. After dinner that night, Maisie was going over to Sadie, and Analise announced, "Maisie, don't get too close to Sadie, she has pink eye-pod." And with that, I end this wildly random post!

1 comment:

Reba said...

I know you had fun with your sister. I love the pictures. I also loved the story about the lady at the park...isn't that cool? Let me know about the Ipod. I haven't been interested in one but tonight when I was looking at all of the CD's I don't listen to (much easier to turn on the radio), it got me to thinking...maybe I need one too. :) And the pink eye-pod story is cute too. Who knew those pinkeyes and ear infections went together?